Chapter 11

133 3 2

June 24th

hiding in your hands, by annabeth chase
1.2K dislikes

"Beth!" Piper squealed as she flung open her bedroom door. Behind her was a very dazed looking Jason and Leo.

Annabeth's eyes widened when she saw that Piper was only half dressed and clad in jeans and a bra. "What's going on?"

"Your video! I'm so proud of you! I genuinely didn't think you would post another but wow, your reach is bigger than normal too, you must be doing something right!"

While Piper was babbling, Annabeth took a minute to take in the scene before her. Over her shoulder was Jason, bright red and trying hard to look anywhere but Piper. Leo was holding Luna, generally quite oblivious to what anyone was saying and instead had chosen to reenact the lion king with her pet.

"Why is this so important that you couldn't finish getting dressed?" Annabeth asked as Piper started reading off the videos stats and comments. Apparently celebrations couldn't be put off and Piper set her heart on going out for a dinner that night as a congratulations to Annabeth.

"Can I book a table for five under McLean, please? Yeah, seven thirty sounds perfect, thank you."

"Who's the fifth? You didn't book us a table with Luna did you? Piper, you know she can't come in.." Leo whined and cuddled Luna to his chest. Jason coughed to cover his comment about the last time they tried to bring in Luna but he was quick to shut up after a glare from Piper.

Smirking at Annabeth, Piper answered. "Go ahead, invite him."

absoluteannabeth hey, you free tonight?

Determined to act casual, Annabeth puts her phone down and starts to get on with her work again. Her phone makes a strange growling noise from where it lays on her bed and she snorts when she remembers that she'd asked Percy to record his own ringtone. Annabeth stares at her laptop screen for a few minutes and her fingers tap the keys too lightly to type anything before she gives in and checks her phone.

Leo calls loudly from the other room. "Whipped!" Judging from his squeal afterwards, someone had thrown something at him on Annabeth's behalf.

percyjackson18 if this is an offer to hang out with you then i can be free :)

absoluteannabeth sorry to disappoint but its the whole crew (-hazel and frank)

percyjackson18 whats the occasion

absoluteannabeth piper wants to celebrate my new vid so were going out for dinner

percyjackson18 ill be there

percyjackson18 dress code?

After conferring with Piper she sent a reply.

absoluteannabeth on a scale of 1-10, 1 being casual, 10 being ballgowns, piper says its a 6.5

percyjackson18 oddly specific but thanks

"Tell him to be here for 7!" Piper shouted.

absoluteannabeth piper wants us ready for 7 but be here before for picsss ;)

percyjackson18 ill bring my modelling face

Somehow, the rest of the day passes painfully slowly. Annabeth manages to edit some of her recent footage and films a little more for the weekly vlog. For a second, she debates vlogging some of the night but eventually she decides against it; some things she preferred to keep to herself.

At 5:30, Piper was insisting that Annabeth got ready for the night. It was a little excessive, especially since Piper was all about quick and effortless makeup looks, but for once Annabeth didn't put up a fight. It was actually something she rather enjoyed. Piper danced around the room with various sticks and palettes and brushes humming to herself and chattering to her roommate.

After the grand makeover Annabeth received, Piper did her own eyeliner and called it a day, deciding not to 'go all out'. They relocated to Annabeth's room to scavenge through her closet for something suitable for the night, granted the closet consisted of Ravenclaw jumpers, old summer camp shirts and leggings but they were hunting for something a bit classier for tonight.

Eventually, Piper discovered the small collection of dresses Annabeth had accumulated from presentation evenings and awards ceremonies she'd been to through her high school and university years. There were several dresses of a similar style: floral and fitted with short sleeves and a flowing skirt, but the girls were drawn to something else.

Annabeth distinctly remembers her stepmom buying her this dress when she'd turned 18. At the time, she'd wanted to burn it. It was simple and a bit too low cut for her liking but when she tries it on, she's more than happy with how it looks. The straps are thin and the bodice is tight so she opts not to wear a bra underneath - she doesn't care how insecure the idea makes her feel because she feels sexy.

It's strange, Annabeth's never been particularly unattractive. There was a phase in her teens where her skin had been spotty and she'd cried because she'd been convinced she should have a thigh gap, but aside from that, she knew she was lucky. She'd always been cute or pretty, but when she posed in front of her mirror, she felt seriously beautiful.

"Damn, Annabeth," Leo comments when she goes to find some shoes. Jason elbows him and he huffs. "What? She's not got a boyfriend yet? At least not until he sees her in that."

The feminist part of her wants to comment that her appearance shouldn't alter anyone's opinion of her and certainly shouldn't be the sole reason someone wanted to date her but she knows he didn't mean it like that. Also she felt pretty fine so she wasn't going to complain.

Leo and Jason had tidied up quite nicely. It's the first time Annabeth had seen Leo in a shirt that wasn't stained with oil, grease or fast food so in comparison, he looked smart. Someone, presumably Piper, had tried to get a comb through his hair and it looked lighter and larger than it had an hour ago. Jason usually dressed smart so it was no surprise to see him in a pressed shirt, smart trousers and a thin tie.

Piper was storming around the apartment in her elegant heels in search for something Leo had unsurprisingly hidden from her.

Just as Annabeth went to check the time, there was a knock at the door. "Come in."

He looked... nice.

Okay, understatement of the century. Percy looked dashing in a crisp, white shirt, pressed trousers and navy blue blazer. His unruly hair had been slicked neatly to one side and his eyes were sparkling (this was not something he'd done per se, but something Annabeth considered to add to the outfit, it was the one thing that made her require a reminder not to drool).

He caught her staring and smirked. "I told you I'd bring my modelling face."

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