Chapter 13

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June 25th

Jason was right about the girl not posting anything that day. Annabeth had almost let herself believe they'd gotten away with it, but alas, the morning came and it was all over her twitter.

It was actually a sweet photo. Jason was the only one that had spotted the camera but the image was snapped before he'd processed it so he didn't look too frustrated. Piper, the only other person facing the character, was laughing at something Leo had said and looked radiant, the highlight that she'd dusted over her cheekbones (or maybe it was just her natural glow) sparkled and her lips were opened and spread into a wide smile. The backs of her and Leo's heads were recognisable but not very interesting. What she was really drawn to though was the way Percy was looking at her. The photo only included his side profile as he'd sat with his back to the camera, but it captured his small smile perfectly. She hadn't even known he'd been watching her.

She sent the post to Percy and typed a message.

absoluteannabeth like what you see? ;)

The word 'Seen' appears below her message and suddenly her phone is ringing, a Facetime call.

"What do you want, Seaweed Brain?" She rolls her eyes as his face appears on her screen.

He's clearly just woken up and she feels her face flush when she catches the muscles of his bare  shoulder ripple as he rolls onto his front. "Just needed to see you first thing in the morning so that I could remember you don't always look like a goddess." Annabeth is definitely pink now. "But I see that you're already awake and beautiful as ever."

"You flatter me, Jackson, but you're lying. I've just got back from a run, I look like a tomato."

He rolls his eyes and runs a hand through his horrific bed hair. "Shut up, Chase, you know you look gorgeous."

She wants to believe he's joking, he's certainly exaggerating that's for sure, but the look in his eyes is so sincere and gentle that Annabeth feels her brain melt.

Lately, she's been trying to pretend that they're not head-over-heels in love with each other. It's difficult to ignore when he takes her coat at the restaurant or when she offers him a foot rub when he gets stressed from his album deadlines (Annabeth is very thankful that he doesn't take her up on it) and they're just so devoted to making each other more comfortable. It's sickening when she reminds herself they've only known each other a month. The sappy part of her that grew up on romance and revolutionary YA novels wishes it was more of a slow burn but the ADHD in her wants to start shopping for a white dress.

The next few months of Annabeth's life are dedicated to her music career. Of course, her content is still thriving and the subscribers that are there for the dog footage, book reviews and advice videos are kept satisfied - Annabeth could never neglect that part of herself - but it's nice to have a creative outlet and music had always been her secret passion. By the end of July she's posted a total of 17 covers ranging from a sweet ukulele rendition of 'La Vie en Rose' to a broadway worthy performance of Anastasia's 'In My Dreams'. On many occasions everything had all been lined up to post on her laptop but Piper had been summoned to hit 'share' before Annabeth could talk herself out of it.

Amidst working on his next album, Percy had been able to convince her to try out for open casting calls when she had the chance. They both new her dream was broadway and many late night confessions revealed that Annabeth and Sally Jackson shared a mutual love over 'Waitress' and also that though she'd love to play Zoe Murphy, she would actually prefer to play Heidi Hansen when she was older.

She had begged him one night to sing a duet with her, not to post - she was selfish and wanted him to herself for now. Though Annabeth would never be egotistical enough to gloat about the sound of her own voice, she didn't refrain from listening back to the recording of 'Seventeen' and marvelling at the way she sounds lighter over the rich tone of Percy's tenor. From then on, Annabeth would send him links to songs she needs him to learn because she wants to sing them with him. It's every theatre girls dream, isn't it? To have a duet partner handy whenever they wish.

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