Chapter 48

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March 8th

"Are you okay?" Annabeth asks, eyeing the window on the test. One line. Negative. "Should we celebrate? Or did you want a different result?"

There's a moment before Piper answers where Annabeth tries to interpret her expression. Her face seems stricken, her fingers tugging at her dark hair which has been tied in a messy bun atop her head. It had been curled neatly before but she had twisted and stacked it out of her face when she'd waited for the results. Something to keep her hands busy. A shadow of guilt passes over her features as she shakes her head.

"No, it's okay." It doesn't sound okay. "Negative is good, right?"

Instead of answering, she watches. In a moment, Piper will spiral and talk through all of her thoughts. Usually, she would try and stop her from worrying, but Annabeth got the feeling it might do her some good this time.

"We weren't planning or anything, so I suppose it's good that I'm not... That there isn't... But still." Blowing out a huff of air, Piper bites her lip. "I don't suppose it would've been the worst thing."

As her friend talked, Annabeth let herself imagine what it might look like if there was a baby. Jason and Piper would make wonderful parents. Regardless of their own difficulties with their parents, they knew what a baby needed. Not only that, but they knew what a baby needed past the essentials, something many parents didn't consider. Sure, a baby would need food, sleep and safety, but they also deserved love and security. She got the feeling that those two would understand that.

It wasn't difficult to envision a small bundle of blankets, a baby with Piper's dark complexion or Jason's bright eyes or Piper's features. She had never mentioned wanting children, though it wasn't a conversation that came up frequently, yet Annabeth knew she would make a fantastic mother. As for herself... She was content being the potential honorary aunt. For the time being, at least.

"Do you mind if I invite Jason over? He ought to know." Piper's voice was little and shaking. Nodding, Annabeth opened her arms to hug her before residing in her room. They wouldn't expect her out of the apartment for the conversation but she could give them some space at the very least.

It wouldn't be so bad, Annabeth decided. Of course, she respected Piper's decision and no matter the results of the test, it was her body and her choice, but suppose it were Annabeth that was taking the test. Would it be so bad? She had her finances in order. She might need a new place, somewhere bigger, but Annabeth felt pretty secure. And she had Percy.

That reminded her, she really should tell people about the show closing. On a notes page, she typed out a short paragraph to send to whoever might need to know.

absoluteannabeth Hey, generic message to anyone that might be in NY in the next few weeks (please don't share it about, the info's not public yet). Waitress is closing on the 27th. Anyone with tickets after then can get them refunded or swapped but I just thought I'd let you know before shows sell out. Let me know if you're interested and I can sort out free tickets ;)

When she was satisfied that the message didn't come across too pushy or demanding, Annabeth copied it into a text and sent it out to people. She didn't send it to her dad, though she did consider it. Instead, it went to Leo, Hazel, Frank, Percy, Thalia, Will, Nico and Sally. If they weren't in the room next door with much heavier things to discuss, she would've sent it to Jason and Piper too. There was no rush though, she would tell them later. Her fingers hovered over her mom's number that she'd already put into her contacts.

No, Athena didn't deserve free tickets. Perhaps it was a little bitter of her to withhold that information from her mother but she figured that if Athena knew who she was, she could seek her out by herself.

Her phone buzzed, preventing her anxious overthinking.

percyjackson18 hey, saw ur message. are u upset? im free in 5 mins if u wanna talk x

percyjackson18 also can i get a ticket to ur last show??

Annabeth scoffed. As if he even needed to ask.

absoluteannabeth of course, not sure its quite sunk in so i'm okay for the minute. just debating whether i tell my mom or not

percyjackson18 not sure i can help u make that decision

percyjackson18 call me if u need, im free now until the mic check in an hour

Stealthily, Annabeth listened to the conversation outside of her room. They seemed quiet but she had no desire to interrupt. Still, she tiptoed to the door, scribbled on the notepad that they kept on the counter 'gone for a walk -a' and attached Luna to her lead before shutting the door behind her carefully.

As soon as she stepped outside, she felt the evening air in Manhattan, sticky and humid, clinging to her skin like a layer of sweat. She found herself eager to remove the shirt she had layered around her shoulders. As she tied it around her waist, she smiled to herself. Without even realising it, she had stolen Percy's shirt once again. Hopefully he wouldn't be needed it any time soon...

A few blocks from her apartment was a small park, littered with trees and benches. There was a group of kids playing on the swing set. Annabeth assumed they must be a family as she spotted a young couple stood off to one side and watching the children fondly. There were five kids in total, she counted, three of which shared the same honey colored skin as the parents. The other two, presumably their friends, had wild red curls that burst from their heads like fountains, reminding her of her own frustratingly frizzy hair. They played noisily and squealed every time one of them jumped from a moving swing. Annabeth would've been content just to watch them play if it didn't come across as mildly creepy.

"Hey, Chase." He greeted casually when she put the phone up to her ear. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours since she'd seen him and already she felt a pang of longing strike through her gut. Keep it together, Annabeth, two more weeks and then he'd be home again.

They spoke for as long as they could before Beckendorf called him for a sound check and Percy had to say a reluctant goodbye. His final words of wisdom were rushed because evidently the crew were getting impatient. "I know it's not ideal that the show's closing, but my mom would see it as another opportunity. Change is good, maybe even the change that scares you like reaching out to your mom." She didn't respond to that, unsure of what her plan for that should be. "Look on the bright side, with neither of us required for shows, I can book us a hotel for that trip to Paris that I promised you."

Trust Percy to remember those kinds of things. Annabeth hadn't even thought twice about his suggestion of a late Valentine's for the two of them, but it warmed her heart to know that he still wanted to go on a vacation with her. Annabeth could use a distraction from the worries that crept through her head: Waitress, Piper, her mother... At least this was something to look forward to.

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