Chapter 32

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December 26th

Christmas was not particularly Annabeth's favorite holiday. She didn't hold the fondest memories of it from her childhood and though she hadn't recently had a 'bad Christmas' in her adult life, it wasn't something she looked forward to quite the same way other people did.

It was convenient that Piper didn't celebrate either. Of course, they always participated in the gift giving, seasons greetings and such, but that was mostly just to accommodate their friends and family who took it as a personal insult when they don't get any presents in return. (Annabeth was unsure as to why people insisted presents were optional if her stepmother practically placed an order for Bobby and Matthew's every year, but that was besides the point.)

Other than the decorative bowl of festive treats that they'd positioned on the coffee table, the apartment was oblivious to any of the celebrations that were happening outside. A small pile of gifts had gathered next to the couch, but they were waiting for their guests arrived to hand them out.

Christmas Day itself had been pretty low-key. Piper and Annabeth had spent the day wrapped in blankets and watching hallmark Christmas movies, Luna fast asleep in her new bed, and making phone calls to their families. Piper's dad was spending the holidays at his second house somewhere in Hawaii, though he never thought to invite his daughter, so they had arranged a Facetime call that evening to accommodate time zones. Frederick didn't have quite the same organisation skills ("it's only because my dad has a secretary" Piper remarked) and had called Annabeth mid-movie. It had been an awkward conversation as it usually was. He wished Annabeth well and said that her gift had been posted last week so she could expect that soon, he also wished her good luck for her opening night. She took that as his excuse to avoid calling more than necessary. They had made a habit of calling on their birthday's and on Christmas. One more call was certainly pushing it.

All parental complaints aside, today was bound to be much more enjoyable. Jason had travelled overnight to get to Manhattan in time for dinner, Percy was due any moment and Hazel, Frank and Leo had all agreed to join a group Skype call for a festive quiz Hazel had organised.

Piper let out a very uncharacteristic squeal when security called up to say Jason had arrived. It was understandable though, where Annabeth and Percy had spent yesterday apart, the other couple hadn't seen each other since she'd visited San Francisco last month. (The image of their reunion was burned into Annabeth's retina's, despite her attempts to hide somewhere where she wouldn't have to witness it.)

The moment Percy arrived, dinner was served. It was nothing special - store bought pizzas, a mixed salad and a large bowl of fries - but that wasn't important. The company made it all the more enjoyable and even Jason and Percy managed to get on surprisingly well, especially considering they'd only met a handful of times. Throughout the evening, Percy and Piper made terrible jokes, an awful mess and broke half the furniture in an attempt to do a backwards walkover in their very confined living space, leaving their significant others to sigh and watch them wreak havoc.

As the afternoon seeped into the evening, the four of them gathered around the small stack of a presents. Percy and Jason had added their own to the pile since this morning but it still looked a little neglected. Twelve badly wrapped gifts were pushed into the centre of the room and they lounged around them, none of them really caring to sit nicely on the couch.

"Grover told me earplugs was pushing it a little." Percy laughed when Piper opened her gift, a set of noise cancelling headphones. The comment earned an eye roll and elbow to the ribs from Annabeth as she tried to cover her flaming cheeks.

Having already received a new diary from Jason, decorated with pies and baking ingredients as a nod to Waitress and a coffee machine to go in her dressing room curtesy of Piper, Annabeth eagerly unwrapped her final gift.

"Look, it's nothing much..." Percy started. When she caught his eye, she noted the light coloring that dusted his cheeks and the small smile. When she raised an eyebrow, he just shook his head head as if to say 'not now'.

She grinned when she saw it: a humidifier to steam her voice. "Very practical." Annabeth patted the box. "Thank you."

The evening was filled with maniacal laughter. Somehow, Annabeth had managed to follow Leo's instructions and connect her laptop to the television so that their Skype call could be broadcast around the apartment in high definition (which was anything but desirable when Leo insisted on sitting so close to the camera to show off the new temporary tattoo that decorated his face). Hazel's quiz didn't disappoint and even Annabeth felt challenged with the obscure questions thrown in her direction. She caught Percy and Piper trying to sneak a look over her shoulder throughout the night but aside from her sceptical glare, she kept quiet and decided to let them get away with it. Call it the festive spirit and all that.

Annabeth sits, legs tucked under herself on her bed, across from Percy. She can't help but study his face as he eyes the floor, chewing his lip has he taps rhythmically on the desk beside him.

"Careful, you're gonna burn a whole in my carpet." She warns, earning his attention.

Percy looks up sheepishly. "Sorry." Before she can ask what's bothering him, he's positioned himself so he sits beside her, hand fumbling in his jacket pocket for something. "I, uh- I got you something else too... There's a whole story behind it. It was going to be a promise ring because I know you like the idea of permenance, but I didn't think you'd appreciate such a big promise so soon. I don't know. Just know that it can totally be a promise ring if that's what you want. Or a promise- well. I'll let you..."

The words seem to fall out of his lips as he presses the box into her palm. It's not wrapped so she can tell immediately that it's some type of jewellery. When she looks up at Percy, his eyes are bright and alert, flickering about her face as if to see what she makes of it.

As soon as she lifts the lid, she knows how much thought went into the gift. She can hear Percy take in a breath and he doesn't seem to relax until she speaks again.

"This is beautiful..." And it is. The chain is delicate and thin and a blend of yellow and rose gold that seems to blend perfectly with her skin. Hanging from the chain is a small charm in the shape of a star. It's rounded, presumably so the points don't pierce her skin when she wears it, but still intricate and discrete.

Percy itches the back of his neck as he smiles. "I know they said no jewellery on stage but I ran it by Apollo and it'll be covered by all your costumes. If you wanted it on you then you could. I know you were disappointed that you couldn't wear your dad's college ring." He babbles as Annabeth feels emotion building in the back of her throat. His gift was so thoughtful (and all she'd gotten him was a guitar strap with her name on in the largest font possible as a joke and a new songwriting book) and he was clearly anxious for her reaction.

"Percy, it's perfect. Thank you."

His smile widens and Annabeth holds the necklace out to him so he can fit the clasp for her. When she faces him again, she narrows her eyes and inspects his face. Laughing, Percy's lips pull into a smirk to match her own.


"Nothing, just that I-" She stops herself before she finishes the sentence, knowing full well what she'd end up saying afterwards. Sure, she knew it was true. She just wasn't quite ready to say it out loud yet. Or maybe she wasn't ready for him to say it back. "Can I kiss you now?"

Well, of course he doesn't say no.

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