Chapter 22

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August 22nd

The Song of the Summer awards show is a relatively low-key event. It's more of a get together for popular artist and even then, the more famous artists don't attend, so it's kind of like a party for the B list songwriters and bands. The Halfbloods have attended every year they were nominated but they've yet to win. This year could be different.

Nico and Will lead the way, arms linked and press eating up every word they utter. Thalia walks between the couples, occasionally butting in with their conversations but mostly just off on her own buttering up the reporters. Bringing up the rear with Annabeth on his arm, Percy smiles genuinely for the cameras. He can feel the tension in her muscles as they walk along the carpet.

"Percy! When can we hear the songs you've written for Annabeth!"

"Annabeth, is it true you've had a crush on Percy for years?"

His arms slips around her waist so he can pull her closer. "They use names to get your attention. Just ignore them and keep walking, we're only talking to the ones we've prepared for." Annabeth only nods.

"Mr Jackson, when can we expect another single?"

Whispering, Annabeth turns her head so that the reporters can't lip read. "You call this low-key?"

Instead of commenting, he picks up the pace from leisurely stroll to purposeful. "Keep walking, Chase, it's okay once you get past these guys. Everyone on the next stretch has paid for their place. They won't waste their time on stupid questions."

Deciding to take his word for it, she walked alongside him around the bend in the carpet. These reporters all hold labelled microphones from news channels she recognises which makes her feel a little more confident. Even so, she eyes Will who is several feet ahead and laughing with a few of the press over the metal barrier.

"A word, Mr Jackson?"

Percy heads in the direction of the person that called out. The woman with the microphone is dressed in a blinding white suit and has sleek brown hair that falls just past her shoulders.

"This is Hera from Olympus News, here we have Percy Jackson and his belle Annabeth Chase. How are you feeling tonight, Percy?" He pretends not to be bothered by the sneering once-over she gives to Annabeth and instead chooses to smile for the camera.

"Pretty good actually, I always enjoy events like this but I think we might actually stand a chance at winning this year." He holds his crossed fingers up by his face and winks.

Hera hums, unconvinced. "And with all this success you'll surely be off on tour again soon?" When Percy nods, Hera strikes. "Surely Annabeth can't travel with you though, as she has her own career here in New York. Are you ready for the test of separation this soon in your relationship?"

Taken aback slightly, Percy blinks at the camera and rubs circles into Annabeth's side where his hand rests. "Well, it'll be a challenge I suppose, but we were close before we met in person, so I think with enough Facetime calls, we'll manage. Absence makes the heart grow fonder as they say."  Hera goes to ask something else but he's not really in the right frame of mind for her anymore, so he walks past and to someone else.

The next reporter asks about his career which Percy is more than happy to answer. When they ask about Annabeth's Youtube channel, she flinches and blinks her eyes back into focus.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?" As soon he nudges her, Annabeth switches on, smiling and nodding in all the right places. Eventually they reach the end of the red carpet and head into the building. There's no cameras in here and it's made very obvious by the crowd around the open bar.

Percy takes Annabeth's hand and pulls her aside. "Are you okay? I lost you there for a minute." She nods immediately and insists she's fine so reluctantly, Percy leaves the subject alone. Thalia appears over their shoulders to give them the directions to their seats.

The presentation is more like a party, Percy realises when he tries to see things from Annabeth's point of view. Her seat is besides Will and the pair seem to get on really well so he's happy to just watch as she finally relaxes. The ceremony starts with a TV presenter announcing the categories (which becomes a bit of a drone when every title includes the words 'Song of the Summer' until it no longer resembles English anymore). Annabeth smiles proudly at him when their category is listed and his heart back flips despite the fact that they knew they were nominated before they even arrived.

It drags for what feels like hours. Percy becomes increasingly grateful that Grover shoved some of his ADHD toys in his pocket to fidget with, when he notices Annabeth's fingers tapping on her thigh, he slips one under her palm. After announcing female solo artist Song of the Summer - Camila Cabello, no one's surprised - they move onto the band categories.

"And the nominees are..." When The Halfbloods are called out, Thalia takes his hand and they lean over to smile at Nico.

The silence before they announce the winner is deafening. Percy can almost hear the breathing of the presenter down the mic, the footsteps of the wandering audience members, the pouring of drinks in the back of the hall. It's like in all the movies where the camera slows and pans the room, the sound of a heartbeat is dubbed over and every other noise is made fuzzy and quiet. Just like in the movies, Percy can practically feel the sweat building on his brow.

"The Halfbloods!"

He thinks everything should fall into slow motion and then maybe he would be able to process what was happening before running up to the stage to receive the award, but instead it all feels like it's in hyper-speed. Thalia tugs at his hand and leads him towards the stage, Nico close behind them. His brain is still a few minutes behind but someone shoves a mic in his hands and he trips over his words.

"Uhh, Thalia?" He offers the mic in her direction but she just smirks, leaving him to handle it. She wrote the dam song, Percy thinks, it should be her doing the talking. With no one coming to his rescue, he figures that maybe he should say something. "No, okay. Um, right so yeah I guess we want to thank everyone, as usual. Chiron, what a guy," The audience chuckles and Percy's chest tightens but he looks to Annabeth and she beams, lifting two happy thumbs up in his direction.

"I mean, I can't speak on behalf of these two, but I guess I wanna thank my mom, and my sister, she's the best. But also..." When he talks, he makes sure he's looking at her and her only. It's not hard when she looks the way she does tonight. "Annabeth. You're my new muse. Here's to me calling you that for however long you'll let me." Shaking the dazed look off his face, he passes Nico the mic and backs away from the front of the stage.

Annabeth blows a kiss from where she sits and though the award is a nice touch, in his eyes she's a prize that's a million times more special.

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