Chapter 49

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March 15th

The UK leg of the tour was always Thalia's favorite part. Much to Percy's dismay, she would don a horrific cockney accent and sip tea even though she hated the bitter taste. Every year, he would point out that not even actual British people would drink tea if it wasn't to their liking, let alone frauds - and she refused to put milk in to alter the flavor - but Thalia insisted insisted on ordering a plain tea with an obnoxious amount of sweetener at every Starbucks or Costa Coffee they passed.

Regardless of Thalia's annoying habits and nuances, Percy did enjoy performing in the the British arenas. Maybe it was because it was their last few shows, or maybe it was because of the energy of the British fans. Either way, the audiences were more energetic and always noisier. (The volume difference was probably to do with the size of the arenas which held barely a third of the capacity of the ones they had performed at before this.)

Chiron had made an annual habit of joining them for their last few shows and so that's how the three of them end up in hastily made disguises at Newcastle airport while the rest of the crew prepare for the evening's show. Nico re-positioned his blond hair distastefully. You'd think that someone who's wig was the spitting image of his boyfriend's hair might be a little less audible about his dislike for the color.

"Hello," Chiron greeted formally as he looked them up and down. Percy could only imagine what kind of a state they were in. Thalia had turned her nose up at the wigs but was sporting a black beanie that she had pulled firmly over head to hide the blue streaks in her hair. Her usual chains and black, skinny jeans had been replaced by a pair of baggy cargo pants that weren't completely out of her style. On the other hand, Nico was dressed in the polar opposite of what he was usually spotted in. His outfit had come straight out of Will's wardrobe, a pair of tight fitting khakis and a blue button-down shirt. Percy felt hard pushed to come up with an outfit that was equally as embarrassing so that Nico would feel out of place on his own. Somehow, he'd ended up in a combination of items from both Beckendorf and Silena, including an oversized, pastel pink t-shirt with the Powerpuff Girls stitched onto the front and a pair of blue denim overalls. Opting out of wearing a wig, Percy covered his signature raven locks with a New York Yankees cap.

Seemingly, Chiron had made no effort to alter his appearance - not that he was likely to get ambushed by screaming fans in quite the same way. He was wearing his favorite tweed blazer and smart pants with an ironed crease down the front of the legs.

On the ride to the Utilita Arena, The Halfbloods are sure to share all of their funniest tour memories. Some of the highlights included when a woman on a plane tried to take a discrete selfie with Nico while he slept (it seems Percy is not the only one who drools in his sleep), Percy's mini-meltdown at Hermes' radio show and the intricate kidnapping plot security had discovered back in Indiana - it was easier to joke about after the event. In return, Chiron shares his own anecdotes of dealing with ridiculous press and headlines before he moves on to his plans for the band.

"You've had such a busy year already, so I'm happy to let you lie low for a few months." Percy felt himself relax at the knowledge that he was guaranteed time off to adventure in Paris with Annabeth. "I'd quite like to explore concept album ideas this year as your themed songs always seem to do well. At the moment I'm leaning towards a Heroes theme."

Chiron explained the outlines but seemed under no rush to get a definitive answer from any of them. As Argus, their chauffeur, swerved into the private car park behind the arena, Chiron nodded to Percy in a manner which he recognised to mean 'a word?'. 

"Son," Chiron began. Percy felt his throat close up at the term. Not even his father had called him that before, only ever Perseus. "It's nice to see you so happy. That girlfriend of yours - Annabeth? - she's good for you. You seem much brighter this year. And the album has benefited from the love songs instead of - what would you kids call them? - emo ballads?" That's certainly not what they would call them but he chose not to say that. If Chiron learns the modern terms for genres then he might stop flinching every time Thalia says a song 'slaps'.

Percy's chest swells with pride at Chiron's approval. Of course, approval wasn't necessary, he would hardly drop Annabeth as soon as someone frowned at their relationship (because Olympus News had got it out for them from the get-go), but even so, the knowledge that his mentor was in favor of his relationship with Annabeth really just made it all the more special. Not only was Percy head-over-heels in love with her and enjoying every moment they spent together, everyone else could clearly see the effects she had on him. It just confirmed Percy's belief that he was making the right choice.

The catalogue from the jewellers flashed on his eyelids as he blinked. 

"Thanks, Chiron. It means a lot."

The older gentlemen smiled warmly, his hazel eyes creasing as they twinkled at Percy. With a pat on the back and a few words of encouragement, Percy headed into the arena and fell into step besides his band mates once again.

"Figured it wouldn't be long before you got the seal of approval from Chiron." Nico said, his head turning to search for Will amongst the crowd backstage.

Thalia sidestepped between the two of them and smirked, her voice low. "So..." She had a glint in her eye. "Is the box burning a whole in your pocket? I bet you're just desperate to pop the question, always so impulsive. You've not even known her a year."

Ignoring the second half of what she said, Percy turned sheepish and scratched the back of his neck. "Actually, I didn't buy that one. It was lovely, but... It just wasn't right."

She had the audacity the huff as though she was personally offended. Well, maybe she was. After all, Thalia was the one who suggested the centrepiece of a ruby, Annabeth's birthstone. It was pretty, he supposed. But not right. Red just wasn't her color - not that it would look bad on her - but Percy had something else in mind.

"I'm gonna try again when we head down to London. You're welcome to join me." It was a polite offer at best. The last thing he needed was Thalia tagging along and complaining the entire time. Maybe he would enlist someone else to help. Beckendorf perhaps? He seemed to have a knack for craftsmanship. Or his girlfriend, Silena. She would be more than happy to accompany him shopping and might even help him haggle for a better deal. She seemed to have a way with words that could convince people to do almost anything she wanted.

In any case, Percy didn't have time to contemplate companions for his side-quest. He had a vocal warm up to do.

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