Chapter 12

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June 24th

Annabeth hadn't been lying about wanting to get some photos. There had been 20 minutes before they needed to make their way to the restaurant and everyone had been posing as per Piper's orders. Each of them had a photo by themselves, Jason and Piper took some sweet 'couple-y' photos, (Leo photobombed the last few) and Annabeth had wanted a few of herself and Piper to post on Instagram. But Piper has insisted Percy join them for a group photo before he got some alone with Annabeth.

He cleared his throat as someone shoved him into the frame. Annabeth looked stunning tonight and Percy's heart threatened to leap out of his mouth and at her when she placed a hand to his chest for a photo. Trying to look calm, he slipped a hand around her waist and smiled.

"Gotta take some goofy ones," Annabeth whispered, lifting his arm to around her shoulders and pulling a face at the camera. Immediately he followed suit and they danced about childishly together.

It wasn't until he had her mid spin until he realised what he was doing. His hand reached for her waist and he took her weight as he dipped her. Annabeth let out a squeak of surprise but when her grey eyes met his, she calmed. Almost as quickly as he'd gotten them into this situation, he helped her up. Awkwardly, they both smoothed out their clothes and glanced to the door.

"We should be off." Piper spoke as though nothing had happened, grabbing her purse and pulling Jason and Leo out of the door.

For a moment, they stood in silence and just looked at each other. Annabeth was the first to speak.

"Your collar is crooked."

With that, she was fixing his collar. Her fingers brushed his neck and Percy prayed to any higher power he could think of that she couldn't feel his heartbeat or see the flush of pink that was inevitably creeping up his throat. His chest felt tight and he forced himself to look away from her.

Tentatively, he offered her his hand. "Shall we?"


The restaurant was beyond classy and Percy felt slightly out of place. Despite his rise to fame and the makeovers that came alongside the constant press, places like this that required smart shoes and pants other than jeans weren't really his scene. Apparently Piper's dad was a big name in the movie industry and she'd cashed in a favor he had with the chef to get them the table tonight.

It was a beautiful building with high ceilings and marble archways. Honestly, Percy didn't care for interior design or architecture but from the look of awe on Annabeth's face, Piper had chosen this place for a reason. As they were seated, Annabeth gushed about the structural supports and materialistic choices the architect had made. He didn't understand anything she said but maybe that was because his brain had turned to mush the moment he laid eyes on her.

Their table was tucked away in a small alcove, something he suspected was a personal request. There was six chairs but Piper set her purse on the one in the far corner and sat beside it. Ever the obedient boyfriend, Jason sat beside her and Leo opposite him, leaving Percy and Annabeth flitting around the two empty chairs. Annabeth's coat is surprisingly heavy for faux fur, something he notices as he helps it off her shoulders and drapes it over her chair.

"We are gathered here today.." Piper begins to toast once their drinks have arrived. "to celebrate the success of Annabeth's channel and the start of her new music career." The boys echo her sentiment and lift their glasses to make them chime.

The chorus of "To Annabeth" that follows is certainly not discrete but none of them think anything of it. There's something so magical about the moment, the five of them dressed smartly and choosing from the fanciest menu Percy thinks he's ever seen (he doesn't dare look at the prices because despite the amount of money in his wallet, expensive meals always make him cringe). It takes everything in him not to outright stare at Annabeth when she takes a sip of her drink and the reflection of the decorative candle sparkles in her eyes. She looks like she could be in a movie.

Jason's eyes widen but the damage has already been done.

When he whips his head round, he's met with a teenage girl with a phone held up in front of her face. Annabeth doesn't even look and instead keeps her eyes trained on Piper. The diplomat amongst them, Jason, stands and goes to talk to her, probably hoping to convince her to delete the footage.

Annabeth's eyes are glistening when she turns her head in his direction and despite his friendly nature, Percy suddenly wants to smite the poor girl that caught them by surprise.

"Just one night, is that too much to ask?" She sighs and twirls a strand of hair around her finger.

For a few minutes, they sit in awkward silence until Jason returns and is quickly followed by their food orders. "I told her not to post it. Said something about safety and not wanting to people to know our location so I reckon we've got until at least tomorrow before she does anything. She's a fan and wants to celebrate you guys but she had the decency to look guilty."

Annabeth nods and twists a fork into her spaghetti. After a quick glance around to be sure there's no teenage stalkers nearby, Percy takes her free hand in his and gives it a reassuring squeeze. They hold hands for a minute but she's quick to wiggle her hand free. Right. She didn't want to get caught with him.

It stings but he understands.

"So," Leo clears his throat and tries to change the subject. "Annabeth, what's the dream with this new music career then? An original album? EP? World domination?"

Finally smiling again, she answers. "An album would be nice I guess, nothing serious though, just covers. I've heard too many original songs to be able to compete." Percy's face feels hot. "But honestly? Theatre would be nice. I've not done a show for a while and I'd love to be able to perform again."

"What's the dream role? Isn't Legally Blonde a musical nowadays? You'd suit that."

Annabeth scoffs. "Elle Woods is certainly up there, sure."

"Regina George?"

"That's typecasting, Piper, as much as I'd love playing the villain, I'm more of a Cady."


The laugh she lets out dissolves any of the tension left in her shoulders. "Please, I am not a soprano."

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