Chapter 26

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September 7th

Grover opens the door, grimacing apologetically to Annabeth. She frowns, trying to establish the problem. Someone shouts. That sounds like a problem.

"You promised me!" Percy's voice caught her attention. He sounded distant, like, he was in another room.

She raises an eyebrow at Grover and he sighs, summarising. "Something he was asked in an interview, he's on the phone to Chiron right now." Nodding thoughtfully, Annabeth heads towards where the sound is coming from and knocks on his bedroom door, opening it slowly.

The tension in his muscles dissipates when he sees her and the next time he speaks, he sound much calmer and more connected. "I told you I didn't want that on the topic list and you agreed. You told me they wouldn't ask and they did. What went wrong?"

In the pause before he speaks again, Percy takes her hand and runs his thumb over her knuckles. "I'm begging you, don't let them air it." His eyes close and he bites his lip. "Okay, let me know before. Thank you."

When he hangs up, they stand in silence for a minute so she takes the opportunity to look him over. Percy's cheeks are flushed pink and his hair pushed back out of his face. She can almost make out the finger tracks across his scalp from where he must have run his fingers through his hair.

"What was that about?" She asks quietly, noting the way doesn't meet her eyes. Instead of answering, he sits on the edge of his bed and puts his head in his hand. "C'mon, Perce, we said we'd be honest with each other. What happened?"

As she sits beside him, he explains what happened.

It had been that same Olympus News reporter, Hera, that seemed to have something out for them. According to Percy, she'd asked about Annabeth but because they'd agreed that was okay, he'd answered truthfully despite the arrogant expression on her face. Then she asked about Annabeth's father.

The subject was still relatively sensitive and so not only does Annabeth refuse to speak about him in any of her videos, Percy had specifically requested that it was added to the list of topics for interviewers to avoid. Hera had most definitely read the list and even signed at the bottom. Besides Annabeth's parents, the list also included Bianca di Angelo - a necessary addition after the success of Whisper, Thalia's brother, Estelle, Will's yearbook quote (it's obvious as soon as you know it as to why you shouldn't speak of it, but most people will never know what it is) and each of their own fathers.

Hera had asked if Percy was going to go to Frederick for 'permission' to marry Annabeth.

Possibly overreacting, Percy had gone off on a rant about how unprofessional it was of her to ask questions she knew to avoid, the disrespect she had written all over her face and, to quote Jake Peralta's feminist speech in Season 5 of Brooklyn Nine Nine, "[Annabeth] is a strong, independent woman and she don't need no man" to give her permission to live her life.

Also he may have stormed off the set and strewn his mic pack onto a chair for it to break. There was also that.

Unsure of what to say, Annabeth wrapped herself around his arm and whispered her thanks. No one had ever defended her like that before, especially not when she wasn't about to hear it. Percy almost seemed ashamed over how he reacted and wasn't trying to gloat about his own morals and self-righteousness, so she knew for sure he hadn't done it for the clout.

His phone rang. Chiron. Percy puts it on speakerphone.

"I'm sorry, Percy, I can't get them to agree to keep it under wraps."

The groan Percy lets out is loud and angry but she takes his hand and raises her eyebrows in warning so he composes himself. "Chiron, they'll edit it. Make it look like I'm a horrible person that hates his girlfriend or something. They'll butcher the footage, you know they will!"

On the other end of the line, Chiron sounds exhaused, like a father trying to console his young son. "I know, Percy, but I have a copy of the unedited recording. An old friend of mine works the cameras there and hates his job more than anything so it didn't take much bargaining. We'll see what gets released and deal with this as it happens. I suggest you keep Annabeth informed."

They both relax at the news. It could all go horribly wrong and make Percy look bad, but they had the un-doctored copy of the interview at their disposal, just in case.

For a good few minutes after the call had ended, Percy just wraps her up in his arms. It was probably to prevent himself from punching something but Annabeth knew to pick her battles.

"I'm sorry, you wanted to film today?" It doesn't really sound like a question.

"Not if you don't want to."

In the end, she adapts the plan. It seems he's not in the best of moods so a less strenuous idea of hers seems to be a better option. She sets up the tripod in front of the couch and starts filming.

"Hello again, today's video is going to be a bit more of a reaction video. I've been avoiding listening to The Halfbloods new album which has become rather difficult seeing as I'm now close friends with the entire band, so I'm keen to finally hear what all of the fuss is about." While Annabeth chatters about copyright issues with the audio, Percy pulls faces behind her to the camera. He knew full well that she wouldn't realise until she edited the footage but it helped to lighten the mood and would make her smile.

"Without further ado... let's begin."

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