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Megan POV

"I thought I'd be getting your call soon baby," Marquis said without even saying hello. His voice was evil sounding. Even darker over the phone.

"Marquis this shit ain't funny!" I exclaim in anger.

"Then why am I laughing?" He did a wicked chuckle. I clenched my jaw.

"How did you even know where to find him?"

"I told you Mimi, I have my ways. You can't escape me..."

"And for what?... what's stalking me gonna do for you!? What's it gonna prove? You honestly think I'll even CONSIDER taking you back after what you've done, what you're doing? You're a cowardly, childish fool and I hate you, so fucking much! YOU'RE A BITCH!"

I hate letting a person bring me to that type of rage, down to that level. Level of calling names and losing my head.

"I love you too baby, see you soon."

Instead of replying, I hang up. Somebody came up behind me.

"It's okay babeh, don't be sad Mimi..." Aug tried to drunkenly comfort me. His long tatted arm came around my neck gently.

I smiled even though I didn't want to. "Oh Aug, you're so drunk baby."

"I barely drank a thang...", he started laughing then said, "strip for meh."

It was strange to hear him ask that question. Because anyone who knew I stripped knew that I did it only for money. And I never brought my strip life into my real life.

"I think we should just go to bed. It's twelve o'clock."

"Strip for me. Pleeeease." He started pulling on my arm like a little kid, begging.

"If I do it will you be good and go to sleep."

He nods his head like a baby who promises they'll be good if you let them do something. Aug stumble to my bed, plop down, and kick his shoes off. He throw his hands in his pants and watch me attentively.

I take out the ponytail and let my hair fall onto my face and down my back. I take my shoes off slowly then place them to side. His eyes never left me. And as I crossed my arms at my waist to take my top off, my phones goes off.

Rinnnng! I answer it after two rings.

"Mega," Mega is my stripper name. ,"I know you were supposed to be off today but we need you. Like right now."

"What the fuck Tori? I'm doing shit right now."

"I'm sorry yo, half the girls didn't show up and we ain't makin' nun."

"Can't you call somebody else? I'm busy right now." I ask in frustration. Like ughh, why cant I just chill with my drunk and twisted kinda sorta man,after a long and stressful evening?

"I tried, Double said you wantchu. He said all he need is one show, then you can go home I guess... look are you coming or not? "

"Be there in ten." I hang up throw my phone on the floor.

"I'm sorry Aug I can't-" I hear soft snores and see my babe with his head thrown back, mouth open and hands still in his pants. Knowing he can't hear me I still say, "good night."

I unbutton his pants and take them off. He wake up enough to get under the covers and lay down. I pull the covers up over his chest and kiss his lips goodnight.

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