You Know

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Mimi POV

One day down of taking care of Granny. It was boring a little bit but it was okay. She didn't ask for too much which was great for my nerves...

And on top of that, August and our situation was slipping my mind. I stopped worrying so much. True it bothered me how we left things,  but I didn't want to let my Granny see it so I stopped all together.

And to make matters even better, I saw a picture of August with his mother on Instagram. Which means he was in New Orleans. Which means I didn't have to worry about seeing him when I go to his house to get a few clothes.

"Granny are you okay? I'm about to leave in a second."

"I'm fine. I've been fine. You go hea' baby."

I kiss her cheek and head out.

August POV

Needless to say, I was happy to see my mama. I couldn't stop smiling all while in the rental car.

When I pull up to the house I think for a second. The house I grew up in, house I got put out of, neighborhood I sold my first drugs in.

Being here was a come back of bad memories, but the good ones masked all of them.


I unlock the door with the key I kept all these years.

"MAM-A!" I call.

From the smell I could tell she was in the kitchen doing work.

The T.V was on and grease was popping so I Kew she didn't hear me call. I sneak in behind her.


"Hello Mama," she put the utensil down and hug me. I lift her off her feet and swing her around. "I missed you so much."


We say our hellos and I settle in into my old room, shared with with my brother.

I was bummed Trav moved to Texas and won't be here. But all the other fam would be here. My other two siblings. My cousins. A few friends and my beautiful nieces. It was going to be a blast and I couldn't wait.

Mimi POV

My heart jumps out of my chest when I open the door and one of Aug's good friends is sitting on the couch watching T.V.

"Oh my God Teak you scared the hell out of me."

"Hello to you too Mimi."

I go sit on the other couch and ask what he's doing here.

"August asked me to come watch his house while he gon. Some crackhead ass nigga busted him with a bottle the other day, he didn't know the guy so he wanted me to be on the look out."

That explained his cuts from the other day he didn't want to tell me about. Oh Teak, always telling the full story.

"Anyway, what you doin here? Yung said he was goin to Nola, I thought y'all was goin together?"

I look down and at the T.V fondling with my nails.

"Nah, we're not absolutely together right now."

"Girl what the hell are you talking about?"

"We kind of broke up. We just weren't clicking y'know. I don't think it'll work out." I lie.

"That's a lie. Sumn else went down. You and my boy meant to be, and you know that."

I get up not wanting to continue this conversation. "Thank you Teak. Really. But I'm just gonna go up here and grab some stuff and go. You can tell August I came by."


I get my stuff and go. By the time I get back to my grandma's, there's already a call from August.

"You were at my house?" He ask with zero expression.

"Yeah, I had to get something."  I keep it simple.

"Aw, that's coo I guess."

"Why didn't you tell me what happened the other night."

"I see you talked to Teak."

I chuckle into the phone, "You know your boy can't keep his mouth closed to save his life."

"I guess."

"Well, I'll talk to you later I guess." I say randomly.

"Yeah maybe. Probably not. Bye."

I wanted to feel sad at that moment but I could only be happy to hear his voice.


"Oh so you went to get some clothes huh?" My Granny question eying the bag in my hand. I put the bag down and sit next to her.

"Yeah, I was running out. I might just go out and buy some more."

"You wanted to go check on that boi. I ain't stupid."

"Granny he's in New Orleans. I wasn't stuttin him."

"You know we got to talk about this right?"

"Yeah I know. That don't don't mean I want though."

"Talking is good for you so start talking."

So I go on to tell her everything that went down. From Marquis to me omitting things to me lying about a pregnancy.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that. And I'm sorry to say you know I raised you better than that."

"I know Granny. And I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Oh don't worrying about apologizing to me. What you need to do is apologize to that boy for getting his hopes up and lying. And he needs to apologize to you for putting his hands on you. Either way, when he gets back from New Orleans, y'all need to fix things."

"So you're saying we really should be together-"

"Well it seems that you all are in love?"

"I don't know if he still loves me after this Granny..."

"Only way to see is to talk like grown ups and get some closure. Him runnin off. And you runnin off here to me... speaking of that, your cousin Denise will be here in a week or so to take your spot."

"But Granny-"

"Don't Granny me. You're only here to get away from your problems."

"That's not all the way true,I want to help you Granny!"

"I know you do baby, but you need to focus on your life first before you try and help another one."

I let that sink in. I let the truth sink in. "Oh Granny, you always say the right thing."

I go to sleep hopefull. Real hopeful. I even have a dream me and August make peace with each other.

Now all I have yo do is just wait for his ass to get back and I can make that dream a relaity. Hopefully.

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