2. Doubts

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Taehyung's POV

I was about to go hunt an animal because of my blood thirst, but on the way I met Jiminie and I remembered he was going to babysit someone's sister.

"Hi, Tae." He greeted me and greeted him back with a small 'hi' ."What are you doing here? It's almost dark." He asked me and I was about to answer but suddenly out of nowhere, someone Disturbed us. "Well hello, there gentlemen." And that someone is Bogum.

"What do you want?" I said as I turned around to face him. "You." He bluntly said, but I'm not going to trap in his talk again. "Well, fuck off Mr. Park Bogum." I also said bluntly without showing any emotions. "Is this the way to treat your boyfriend, Taehyung?" He asked kind innocently.

"What happened to you Taehyung, you have been behaving strangely for the past few days. And Bogum is your boyfriend you love him so much so why all of a sudden?" This time Jimin asked only if he knew, that what Bogum was.

"It's nothing jiminie it's just-" Bogum cut me off by announcing something. "You're so smart Jimin. Wanna come to our party? We would love to have you." He asked more like pleaded. I know this guy now very well he just sweet talks with people to trap them in his world.

"Uh I would love to but I have to babysit someone today." He excused himself and then looked at me. "Hey, Tae can you please babysit instead of me? Please do me this one favour. Please." He asked with a cute pout to which I couldn't say no to. "Oh okay," I said while giving up. "Thank you, thank you. I love you and here is the address." He said while handing me a piece of paper. The address is not far I will get there in a second.

They started going somewhere that's when I realized there were people behind Jimin's back and they were freaking vampires. I can sense them, so that means it's not a normal party it's a fucking vampire party. OMG. I have to protect Jimin from them, who knows if they made him their dinner, can't trust vampires.

"You didn't answer my question Tae," Bogum said pulling me out of my thoughts, how come I didn't realize that he was behind me all the time? "What question?" I asked. "Oh come on Tae. Stop this and come with me to my world where we will live peacefully for eternity." He said a bit romantically. "Never!" I concluded while pushing him with all my force backwards.

"You shouldn't have done that." He spat angrily, and the next thing I knew he grabbed my waist and threw me in the air a bit far away.
I closed my eyes immediately praying for life and hopefully, I landed on a tree I opened my eyes when I felt something rough like logs, and I climbed down fully. Phew, if I were a human I would have gotten a heart attack I thought.

As soon as I climbed down I noticed I was outside of someone's home and when I saw the address I noticed that this was the house where I had to babysit. I cleaned up myself from leaves and dust and rang the bell a few seconds later someone opened the door. It's a Lady in her early 40s.

"Yes. How can I help you?" She asked.

"Um hi. I'm Taehyung and I'm here to babysit your daughter." I introduced myself while smiling a little.

"But wasn't Jimin the one who is going to come today?" She asked.

"Um Jimin is sick so he sent me instead," I said politely. That's when I realized I pissed Bogum off today badly.

"Oh, that's so sweet of you dear. By the way, I'm Mrs. Jeon." She introduced herself.

"Uhh can I come in?" I hopefully asked because I can't tell if Bogum is still following me.

"Sure come in." She said while smiling.

"Minji! Your babysitter is here." Mrs. Jeon shouted. A few seconds later a little girl came running towards me.

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