5. Evil?

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As soon as we spotted Tae we stopped the car beside him.

"Sup Taehyung. Can you tell me where this vampire party is?" Yoongi asked as he slid the window from his side.

"You two! Didn't I tell you to stay at home, it's dangerous to go outside tonight!" He kind of scolded us with a concerned voice.

"Yeah yeah, we know. But our one stupid friend so happened to be in the same vampire party where Jimin went" Yoongi explained with a lazy expression.

"What?! Who?"

"Hoseok. He just called us and even sent a picture" This time I spoke.

"Shit. Now another person is in danger" Tae said as he sighed out of frustration.

"Don't worry we'll save them both, and we can even help you with your mission" I assured him.

"Now come on hop in 'cause we don't waste too much time more" Yoongs said and then Tae took a seat on the passenger seat and we drove off.


Not long after we arrived at that place and Taehyung got out, we were about to follow him when he stopped us.

"Stay in the car I'll go inside and bring Hoseok and Jimin outside safely with me"

"But we too want to go with you" I pleaded.

"No, you can't, stay in the car. I'll be right back soon"

"But-" he cut me off as he showed us his pearly white fangs.

"I. Said. Stay. In. The. Car. Okay?" I'm not going to lie now I'm kind of scared of him, so we just nodded in agreement.

And then he left us. A few minutes have passed and we are still in the car, I'm feeling a little bored now.

"Hey dude, don't you think we should go inside and help him?" Yoongi asked breaking the horrible silence.

"Hyung, he clearly said more like warned us to do not to go inside"

"But don't you think we should go inside, I mean we never went to a party either so it's our time" he gave his gummy smile as he said.

"Hyung it's not the time for a party or anything. Besides it's a vampire party who knows they might make us their dinner"

"But just for a few minutes, and then we'll get back inside the car. I promise" I thought about his idea for a few seconds before giving up.

"Fine! But just for a few minutes"

"Yasss!" He threw his arms in the air as a sign of victory.

We got out of the car and went inside, we didn't go inside by the entrance but a back door so that no one could notice our presence. Our jaws dropped as we got inside the party, everything was fantastic people aka vampires were dancing while drinking, whereas somewhere near the pool some were inside living their lives to the fullest.

"Woah! It's amusing!" I said.

"See kook didn't I tell you that it'll be a great idea," Yoongs said.

"Yeah...... So let's enjoy ourselves a little now that we came here" I smiled showing my bunny teeth.

We got on the dance floor with a soft drink in our hands. After a while of dancing, we got tired and decided to leave the dance floor, that's when we noticed Hobi. We went to him as he saw us too.

"Yooooo guys. Wass up?" He smiled.

"Hobi-" he cut me off.

"Dude you won't believe me, but this hot chick was so into me that she even gave me a hickey" he pulled his shirt collar a little exposing it to show us a light red mark.

"Hoseok I think we should leave this party. As soon as possible" Yoongi said in concern, 'cause who knows what else can happen.

"But why? The fun just began" Hobi Hyung whined.

"Let's just go-"

"Wait is that Taehyung?" I asked. As I saw him with that Bogum guy, I dunno but for some reason I felt jealous. Like I don't want him near him.

"Yup, it looks like him and his boyfriend. But whatever we should mind our own business as they minding their own, now let's go" Yoongi said blankly.

I watched as Bogum grabbed Tae's hand and took him somewhere. Again for some unknown reasons I wanted to go after them and see what they are doing.

"Let's go after them and see where are they going," I said.

"Dude, are you crazy? We will all die if they find us. For the fifth time we should leave-"

"Great idea Kookie. We should go" Hobi agreed with me while Yoongi gave him a glare for cutting him off then sighed frustratedly.

"Okay I'm going with you too, BUT whatever is gonna happen next I'm not responsible for it. Understood?" He asked and we just nodded.


"As the new moon night is close we will proceed with our plan. And soon humans will be our slaves" The black-haired vamp said as his fellow minions nodded in agreement.

"Bro, what are they planning?" Hoseok whispered to Yoongi, who was hiding beside him.

"How do I know Hobi? But it seems like they are plotting something dangerous, I mean it can be dangerous for us as he said about the human slave thing" Yoongi whispered back.

"But one thing is for sure this Bogum guy is evil" I whispered and yelled.

"Oh is that kook?" Yoongi smirked to which I just rolled my eyes.

"Soon our time will arrive and not long we will be more powerful than we already are" Bogum said as Tae was just standing beside him not caring whatever the fuck he is saying.

"Guys I think we should be going now. The atmosphere here doesn't seem right" Hobi whispered nervously.

"And whatever I was telling earlier was bullshit, right?" Yoongi whispered sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"Ok. Let's go now, I also think that it's not good to stay here any longer" I whispered and then we started heading towards the entrance not caring about our vampire surroundings.

"And where do you think you are going, humans?"

𝔐𝔶 𝔟𝔞𝔟𝔶𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔞 𝔳𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢  || VK, NJ & YMS ||Where stories live. Discover now