7. Escaped

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He was staring at us with blood-red eyes but soon his eyes turned back to black and he too fell. Me and Yoongs were just frozen on our spot afraid to move when suddenly Tae came in front of us like a shield.

"Stay away from my friends. If you touch any of them, then I'm not afraid to rip off your throats!" He threatened them while backing us.

"Ohh really? And how are you gonna do that? Cause you are just one and a half and we many" the same guy from earlier said.

"Right Kai. Nice question by the way" Bogum said, oh so this guy's name is Kai.

"Hey precious humans-" he was cut off when someone knocked him out with a chair. And that someone is none other than Namjoon.

"Let's go. Come with me" he said, then without giving a glance to anyone we started running at the speed of light. As we were outside of the house Yoongi asked "But what about Hoseok and Jimin? We just left them inside"

"It's not time to worry about them 'cause they're already turned" Namjoon replied.

"What? Means Hoseok is also a vampire now?" I asked.

"Yes Jungkook" again Namjoon replied.

"Or maybe" Taehyung added.

"Catch them!!" Bogum shouted from inside.

And we again started running till we reached our car and got inside. I got in the driver's seat while Tae sat beside me and Yoongs and Joon sat in the back. At that moment I didn't care much about anything and drove away. I didn't even decide where I should go, just where my hands on the steering wheel took me.

About 10 minutes later when I realized we were far from that party we stopped, we didn't talk with each other till the entire ride. I looked outside and found out we were almost on the outskirts of the town. After confirming that the place was safe we went outside.

"Just who the hell told you guys to come out of the car? When I clearly said to stay inside!" Taehyung almost yelled asked us.

"Um... Sorry, we were just bored in the car so we decided to go inside, and also bring Hobi back. But the thing turned out the exact opposite" I explained everything while rubbing my nape.

"If you two would have stayed inside then we should've saved Jimin and Hoseok," he said while rubbing his temples.

"Okay forget it whatever happened. Be grateful that at least we saved these two" Namjoon said.

"Hmm... I agree. But wait- Namjoon you were too in that party? No, the real question is where were you from these past 2 months?" Yoongles asked.

"I was turned a vamp too just like Taehyung but by a girl whom I was dating. It all started two months ago, that's why I wasn't showing up in school cause I have a hard time controlling my blood thirst. But now I'm able to control it and about the party, Bogum is the one who invited me, and then I saw you guys and since we are friends I have to save you" he told his story.

"Just how many more vampires are there? But I'll just pray that I do not get turned like you guys" I said as I'm afraid to lose my life.

"Woah! That's why you are looking so cool" Yoongi complimented that's when I noticed his new looks and attire. He was wearing a black leather jacket with dark black jeans and his hair was styled perfectly. Wow anybody sees this look, they can't tell that this guy used to be a nerd who used to wear round glasses.

"Thanks, Yoongi" he smiled showing his dimples.

"AHHH! Someone save me!!!" Suddenly we started to run as soon as we heard that scream as if someone might be in danger.

The voice sounds like it's not far and suddenly a frightened boy comes running towards us when he notices our presence. When I paid attention to his face I realized that he is none other than "Jin Hyung?"

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" I asked.

"I was coming from my friend's house after completing our studies when suddenly I felt someone was following me. Then suddenly out of nowhere, a guy appeared with red eyes and big fangs" he explained while panting.

"Shit! Not again" Yoongi mumbled under his breath. And suddenly a guy came out of nowhere, just exactly as Jin Hyung described.

"Go inside the car Namjoon will handle him" Taehyung said backing us and then they attacked that vampire. Without wasting any minute we ran towards the car and locked ourselves inside.

"I'll always remember this night of my life as the 'vampire night'!" Yoongs said.

"What? He is a vampire? For real?" Jin Hyung asked while still trembling a little.

"Yes, he is. And there are many vampires in our town, even Taehyung and Namjoon are too" I replied.

"What?!" He screamed in shock.

"Yes. And Hoseok and Jimin also turned into one of them now" Yoongi added.

"Just how many vampires are there? And from how long?" Seokjin asked.

"We too don't know how many are, but we are pretty sure there are many of them and we just discovered them tonight" I answered.

"Oh, my God. Just kill me already" Jin Hyung said.

I was startled when someone knocked on my car window. But oh it was just Tae and Joon.

"What did you two do with him?" I asked as I opened the doors for them.

"Actually we were planning to kill him but we changed our minds and just knocked him out, and he'll probably wake up tomorrow now" Taehyung explained as he again sat beside me like before.

"Okay," I just mumbled.

"Tonight was something" Yoongs stated to which everyone just nodded.

"It's time to go back home now, 'cause tomorrow we have school," Namjoon said.

"Hey. I wanted to ask what Bogum and his minions are plotting cause, Yoongs and Hobi eavesdropped on him. He was saying something about slave humans thing" I asked them.

"They plotting something very dangerous I'll tell you to rest tomorrow, for now, let's go to our houses and make sure to lock yourselves. I don't wanna encounter any more danger now" Namjoon replied, clearly exhausted.

And again we wear our seat belts and I drive off to drop everyone at their houses.


Hope you like the chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment if u like it.
Love you, Angels, 💜❤️💜
Borahae 🙆

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