The Night Show With Your Lovely Hoe Author 🌃🌆🌌

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Me:- Good morning/ afternoon/ night ( according to the time of ur country). Welcome to the night show with your lovely author. So today we have the most handsome and talented guest on our show, they also got the opportunity to become the first guest on our show.

Please welcome Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook from the 'My Babysitter's a Vampire' show!!! *Applause filled the room as soon as Vkook showed up*

Me:- Taekook thank you for coming on this not so popular aka the unpopular show. And please take a seat. *Shakes hands with them both*

Tae:- Thank you for inviting us. *Shows boxy smile*

Jk:- It's our luck to come to your show. *Flashes cute bunny smile*

Me:- So as far as your vampire show has gone people quite a lot loved it.

Jk:- Um... Yeah, people and our fans indeed liked the show. And gave us a lot of love that we didn't expect, to be honest.

Tae:- We are glad they liked it, cause when we started making the show we didn't expect these many fans. And on top of that, the author is amazing.

Me:- Oh so sweet of you both. The author is hard working and so are you guys. *Vkook just smiled and nodded in reply*

Me:- So I heard that the people liked you two together. *Smirked playfully*

Jk:- Pardon. *Jungshook*

Tae :- *Blank expression*

Me:- Yeah... They were asking are the two of you are together or dating or something, according to them aka your fans you two make a great couple. *The audience gone oooo~~~*

Tae:- No, I mean we are not together. We are just going to be a couple in the show. That's it.

Jk:- Yeah, he is right. We are not together, at least not yet. *Looked at Tae while smirking, while the audience went ooo~~ accompanied by whistles, laughter and whispers*

Tae :- *Shots death glare*

Me:- *Laughed watching the two* OK ok. I guess the audience is pretty satisfied. By the way, I liked the show too.

Taekook :- Thank you :)

Me:- So is there anything you two wanna say to the author? She is pretty busy nowadays but I'm sure she will give a reply to your statement.

Tae:- Umm... Yeah, I just wanna tell you that I liked my role. And although it's just a remake version of the original it's still pretty good with actors like us.

Jk:- There is nothing much I can say but just hope our show doesn't flop *weird laugh* and please decrease the number of vampires a little author-nim, though I know it's a vampire show the title already screams that but just a little if possible. But anyway thank you for not putting any girls in the show, I'll always be grateful for that. *Windshield laughter spread across the room*

Me:- Oh yeah I too just realised that there are only boys and men in this show *nervous laugh* Anyway I liked your statement about the author. And I wish you two good luck for the show ahead.

Taekook :- Thank you^^ ~~

Me:- So it's now time to end the show. And again thank you for coming here and sparing your precious time with us.

Tae:- *Shows genuine smile and just nods*

Jk:- And guys don't forget to follow our lovely author and vote and comment on her books.

Tae:- For now ba bye. *Waved hands at the audience and the camera*

Jk and Me:- BYE!!! *Again hysterical windshield laughter spread across*


Hey Angels I tried to do something new for fun, hope you like it 👉👈
Please comment and let me know ur thoughts about this, and if u liked it I'll continue to make a few more night shows in between the upcoming chapters 😊😋

Love you 💖

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