6. Turned

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Taehyung's POV

I got inside the party house and started to search for Jimin, wasting no time. And finally, I found him, he was drinking a soft drink and was with a guy who was also a vampire.

"Hello Chim" I greeted him.

"Oh hey, Tae. So finally you decided to come, great!" He exclaimed and I looked at the guy beside him asking him to leave with our eye contact and thankfully he left.

"Jimin come with me, we need to leave as soon as possible"

"Why Taehyung? You sound like my parents, I never got to a party before I never really enjoyed teenage fun...... Unlike you" I sighed deeply at his reply, looks like it's time to tell him the truth.

"Okay, I understand. But I want to tell you something, the reason why I've been behaving strangely for a few weeks and have been distant from Bogum is that a few weeks ago I got bitten by a vampire and now I'm not a human anymore. And the person who bit me was non-other than Bogum" I explained to him the entire shit, just in the hope he will believe me.

"What?!! Bogum....... Is a vampire?" He questioned as his face screamed pure shock.

"Yes. And he is not a good person either, in fact, this whole party is a vampire party-"

"Oh look who decided to finally show up. But anyways I'm glad that you came Taehyung" Bogum cut me off as he stood beside me and I just shot him a dead glare.

"Well okay since you arrived here let me take you to the real place. And I'll also tell you about my upcoming plan" he whispered in the last sentence.

"But-" again he didn't give me a chance to speak as he dragged me away. But guess what, I was right these vampires ARE plotting something fishy.

He took me to the upper room where a few more vampires were, if I'm not wrong then these are the vamps whom he trusted the most cause they are all time loyal to him

"Soon the new moon night will arrive and we'll get more powerful than we already are" he keeps on blabbing something and by what he was saying I assume that he is planning to do something to humans. Oh God, don't tell me he is planning to rule this world and is going to make all humans his slaves. But unfortunately, that's exactly what he is planning.

Jimin's POV

After Tae left with Bogum that boy, Kai from earlier again came back. Not gonna lie he is a great company.

"You know Jimin you are so cute," Kai said which made me blush a little.


"Let's go here is a bit crowdy here," he said and I obeyed.

Soon we came into an empty room and started to feel a little dizzy. Was there something in the drink or it's just some normal dizziness? He comes closer to me, so close that we are just a cm away from each other now.

"Hey, is there something in the drink? Cause I'm feeling a little dizzy all of a sudden" I said aloud just above a whisper.

"Haha... Um... Yeah, there is a little mix-up of wine in it, but just a little" he sexily said as he moved his face closer to my neck till his nose was brushing against my skin. I didn't try to push him back or away from me cause I low-key liked the feeling.

Not long I felt his lips kissing me gently. "This will hurt just a little but the pain will soon vanish, I promise" he whispered and I was about to ask what he meant when suddenly I felt two long teeth dug into my smooth skin. Blood started to ooze out a little as I screamed lowly at the feeling.

The pain was horrible, it was like someone was ripping my skin apart. Now I realized what Taehyung meant earlier. Everyone here is vampire including Kai too. Is he going to drain me dry? Shit! I should've listened to Tae.

But soon he pulled out his fangs from my neck as I fell on the ground but didn't lose consciousness. "Y-You... What did... you do to....me just now?" I asked him while stuttering because of more dizziness.

"I just gave you a new life, Jimin. Don't worry as you soon will feel really good and powerful" he said while still smirking evilly and I passed out.

Jungkook's POV

"And where do you think you are going, humans?"

We were just about to leave when suddenly a deep shit scary voice called us from behind. I tried to turn the door knob but it budge so without any option we turned around only to find all the vampires staring at us, with lustful eyes. And that lust is not for love but for blood.

"We... I... Umm...." I couldn't able to form a sentence.

"Looks like we gotta dinner tonight," another guy who just now came to the scene said while licking his lips.

"Ohh dinner we will gladly have it. Where is it?" Hoseok said naively as they all tilted their heads towards us.

"Where is the dinner?" Hoseok Hyung again asked, ugh why is he so dumb? Yoongi just facepalmed at his stupidity and question.

"US! The dinner is us, we are their dinner idiot" Yoongi said irritatedly.

"Oh ok, wait- WHAT!?" As the realization hit Hobi he clung on to me, frightened. And the ones who were left also joined the scene Bogum, Tae and Jimin. But wait Jimin is looking a bit different, where are his glasses?

"Oh looks like the deers himself come in the cave of tiger" Bogum said mockingly. Tae was just giving us a deathly look which was saying what are we doing here, cause he said us to stay in the car.

"So who is going first?" Again Bogum asked.

"Wait! I know them 'cause I babysit them" Tae said stopping catching everyone's attention.

"What? Do you babysit them? Who needs a babysitter at this age" Bogum asked in pure surprise.

"He does at us!" Yoongi said pointing towards me as everyone chuckled a little at this.

"Fuck seriously? Do you need a babysitter at this age? Well no doubt you are still a baby" Bogum said while laughing at what he discovered just now.

"No! I don't need a babysitter, it's for my sister. Taehyung you should have explained everything completely!" I said to him.

"Well forget it. So anyways according to the traditions newborn goes first" Bogum explained as he looked at Taehyung beside him.

"No I'm not going" Tae bluntly said.

"You have to"


"Oh come on people. There is no need to fight over us, you can have me always" Again that hoesock blabbed something stupid.

"I'm not going and that's it," Taehyung said sternly.

"Oh fuck off everyone," Jimin said out of nowhere as he come almost at the speed of light and then grabbed Hoseok by his nape and dug his teeth in. A high-pitched scream left his mouth as he was drinking his blood. Great, just fucking great. Now Jimin is also a vampire. It's not the time to find out how he becomes one cause right now our lives are close to the end.

He loses consciousness and falls after Jimin was done sucking his blood but he did not drain him dry. Then he looked at us with bright blood-red eyes.

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