8. The Plan

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Jungkook's POV

I woke up by my loyal alarm clock which always woke me on time. Last night was long and pretty devastating, Jin hyung was still so scared so that's why Tae decided to sleep over at his house. Not gonna lie I got scared after that incident too and so did Yoongs, it was too much to take at once, so we somehow insisted Joon Hyung sleepover at my house too.

By the time we reached home if found Yoongi's grandpa sleeping peacefully on the couch so we didn't disturb him and let him sleep peacefully, then, Yoongles and Joon went into my room to sleep and that's how we spent the remaining night that day.

"Good morning Kook" Joon actively said as if he was not tired, not even in a bit.

"Are you not tired?" I said while yawning.

"How can I be? I'm a vampire, remember?"

Oh.... yeah how can I forget he is a vampire, maybe I'm not used to it.

"You know... I can read your thoughts" he stated.

"What? Oh, no doubt you are a freaking vampire. But a good one, unlike the ones in the party last night" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Hmm...... What's with the commotion?" Yoongi mumbled while yawning.

"Good morning Yoongs"

"But the morning is far from good. Remember we have to face those bloodsuckers in school today. And God knows what happened to Jimin and Hoseok" he said worriedly.

"Don't worry guys I'm with you, and if those motherfuckers even Dare to harm you then I'm not afraid to break their bones."

"Yeah. Like the way you broke things, gOd Of DeStrUcTiOn" I sassily said which made Yoongs laugh hard while Joon gave me a death glare.

"Anyways we should get going now. And on the way to school we'll grab our bags 'cause our houses are not far from school" Yoongs said to which we nodded.

After doing our morning routines we all grabbed a sandwich and headed out with my car which is not mine but my dad's. Not long after we arrived at our school, we didn't talk much in the car either. Namjoon said that he needed to go to the library to find something important and he left us two alone.

"Yooooo, Wass up guys?" Out of nowhere, a voice approached us and that voice was very familiar, hell it was none other than Jung Hoseok's voice.

"Oh God Hobi. You are alive? And we low-key thought you were dead" Yoongi said surprised.

"Of course I'm alive, I just woke up today in the morning feeling awesome. I discovered I can lift heavy things, can walk at the speed of light and many more. Just this sun is a bit troubling me" ( lol a sun is troubling another sun 😂) he said, that's when we noticed his attire. His dark hair was parted and he was wearing a black leather jacket with some black fitted jeans, which hugged his legs beautifully and black sunglasses.

"Great another vampire in the town" I whispered under my breath.

"And you two fuckers! Just left me alone that night. You two are such horrible friends" Hobi yelled.

"We sorry hope, since you already got bitten we can't help to leave you and run and pray for our lives. But didn't you say that being a vampire is cool, isn't it?" Yoongi explained.

"Yeah, it is. But I'm still angry at you too" he replied.

And our day begins something like this.

Taehyung's POV

I was at my locker with Jin Hyung, now he is okay, not scared anymore like last night. He asked me about vampires and how it feels like to be one when suddenly a hot aura came in our direction.

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