9. Vision

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Seokjin's POV

After Namjoon explained the whole plan, we split up into two groups as we were told. That's how we ended up in a quite old library searching for the thing we were looking for.

"Just how old this library is exactly?" Jimin asked, probably pissed with the dirt that surrounded the shelves, floor and ceilings.

"Umm.... more than 100 years old" Namjoon replied while searching.

"Just hope we'll find that book soon and get out of here. This place gives me chills" I mumbled the last sentence but they still heard it.

Not long I got tired of searching and leaning on one of the shelves, when suddenly I pressed my elbow on one of the books and it went in, then suddenly the end part of the library opened revealing a hidden place. Like the ones in movies, where the rich people make such places to keep something or even hide sometimes.

"Woah! Is this some sort of hidden place?" Jimin asked.

"It seems like one. Anyways let's go inside" Namjoon said and we followed him inside.

There were more books inside but fewer than compared with the outside ones, the books there seem very old almost 400-500 years old by their cover and pages

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There were more books inside but fewer than compared with the outside ones, the books there seem very old almost 400-500 years old by their cover and pages. We got back to work and started to search for the book we needed. I was going through every book but Namjoon and Jimin were much faster than me as they are vampires.

We had checked every shelf and were about to give up when suddenly a book crashed on me while I was rummaging through all the old books, I was careful to not create any damage to those fragile and old books. I grabbed the book named "The Creatures of Night" I read it out loud that my other companions heard it clearly and rushed towards me.

"So you finally found it?" Namjoon asked me excitedly to which I nodded while smiling and showed those to that book.

"Finally we found it!!" Jimin cheered.

"Yes! Now we will know about what those vampires were meant by the full moon night!" I said.

"Okay now let's get out of this creepy place first" With that said Jimin sprinted towards the entrance and we followed him, we put the things back to where it belong so no one gets suspicious that someone has visited here.

We got in our car to head towards Taehyung's house.


Hoseok's POV

After Namjoon explained the plan we parted ways to do as we are told. Nothing happened in school, Bogum and his minions didn't seem like plotting something cause everything started after school. They all got in their cars and bikes like some spoiled brats of a very rich family which they actually are tragically, and then they ended up in a graveyard. Hmm strange how come I never knew about the existence of this graveyard, I thought to myself.

The sky was pretty cloudy today but it was that it wasn't gonna rain because it was not cloudy, it was good since I could be rid of that sun for a while, well not only me but all the other vampires too.

"Any ideas why these motherfuckers are here?" Yoongi asked us in a low voice.

"Are they doing some rituals, like awakening the dead or just here for blood?" Jungkook questioned Taehyung as he is the most knowledgeable one about vampires among us four.

"They are not here for blood, especially not when it's daytime. And literally, all the rituals vampires do are of night time, so neither cause they are probably here for something different...." Wow! He explained more clearly and very well than my physics teacher ever had!

"You're explanation is better than my physics teacher Taehyung's!!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Why you gotta steal my line!? I was about to say that!" I whined when Yoongi said what I wanted to exclaim.

"Haha thanks, Yoongi but it was nothing" Taehyung replied.

"Oh come on Hobi! It was just a line" Jungkook pretty annoyingly said seeing my childishness. Lol, I dunno I'm like this but either way, I change XD.

Suddenly they dug a particular area and at that very moment some lightning struck near the graveyard, it was just like those movies damn. After some more deep digging in that area, they pulled out a very old-looking stone but the stone didn't seem to be an ordinary one, it was very different. It took me a while to realise that that stone was the tombstone of someone, it had a plus sign on the top but shockingly no name or anything just these three numbers '369'. After becoming a vampire my eyesight got good and I can see things from afar.

"What a weird tombstone, it has no name or anything just a few numbers '369'...." I said confused.

"Wait did you just say a tombstone with number 369?" Jungkook asked out of nowhere to which I just nodded.

"That's it!" He silently shouted as he clicked his fingers.

"Would you mind explaining why you got excited just after hearing some numbers?" Yoongi asked.

"So like yesterday I got a vision of a graveyard, there was this one grave with no name or anything on its tombstone, just these three numbers!" He finished explaining leaving us three in deep thoughts.

"Woah! Do u have some powers to see the future or something kook?" I asked him to which he just shook his head.

"But how out of nowhere you get that vision? Any idea?" Yoongi again asked.

"Yes, it was when I touched Taehyung's hands"

"Okay, I get it! I think you get visions when you touch Taehyung's hands!!" I exclaimed with a smile.

"Really? But I'm not sure..." Jungkook said thinking like a detective.

"Uh.... well we can try it out" Taehyung spoke.

"Pardon?" Jungkook said with a frown.

"I mean touch my hands and see if it happens again" Taehyung explained, and so does Jungkook touched his hands. His eyes enlarged after a while, it seemed like he did see something.

"Hobi for the first time in life you are right!"


Guess who is back after ages 🙃✨ I went on a hiatus bcuz this year I was supposed to have a very important exam but bingo! That exam got cancelled bcuz of corona 🤩🎉

So ur hoe author is back and will try to update daily.... I'm a very lazy person :P

Anygays are there any bl lovers? Or any of the untamed fans or Mxtx's fans? If u are then DM me or lemme know in the comments 😋 and if ur not then stop whatever ur doing rn and go watch the untamed!!

So back in January, my yt recommended a video of a bl couple, they were Yukito and Touyo from Sakura Card Captor... And bcuz of them I watched the whole anime :)
For some reason I like Yue and Touyo more than Yukito and Touyo, well they are practically the same person so it doesn't matter :D

Thanks for reading, pls vote, comment and share 🙆
I love you ANGELS 💜💖💜
Take care ✨

Also, I didn't expect this book to cross over 1k reads 💀🤧

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