4. Reveals

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As soon as Taehyung saw as we started running at the speed of light knowing very well the fact that he is a freaking vampire, praying for lives and screaming "Help, HELP....... Somebody Help......... My babysitter is a vampire" but we know it's useless cause all the shops are closed and the streets are empty no one can hear us.

We stopped when suddenly out of nowhere Taehyung came in front of us, no doubt he was a vampire he could run faster than anyone.

"Please leave us alone, we did nothing to you." Yoongi pleaded first time to someone and so did I.

"Please, please leave us we saw nothing. And I promise we won't tell nothing about this to a single soul"

"Please leave me, my blood doesn't taste good either. You can have Kook, his blood will satisfy you"

"Hey!! Seriously what type of friend you are, offering me to a vampire for the sake of your life--"

"Stop it you two!!!" Taehyung broke the silence by screaming at us, which indeed worked.

"I'm not gonna kill you nor drink your blood. So stop panicking" he heavily sighed.

"How can we when you just now drained a guy dry," Yoongi asked more like stated.

"Well about that guy, if you look closely at his face you will recognize who he is..... He was a rapist and I was thirsty so I drained him" he explained like it's a normal thing to do. "And before you ask why I did I'll answer your question. He attacked me first so I drained him, and believe me, I have no intention to drink his blood, but that's good that he is Dead now"

"A-are you okay?" I finally spoke when I felt a little comfortable.

"Yes I am"

"But wait... Why are you telling me about that vampire stuff?" Yoongs asked

"It's because you already know about my true identity and there is no need to hide anything now, I guess" he replied.

"Ohh ok. But what are you doing here in almost the middle of the night?" I asked.

"To save Jimin"

"Save Jimin from whom or what?" Yoongi asked this time.

"From Bogum, he dragged, dragged her to a party with him and I doubt he might do something"

"What's with him?" Again Yoongs asked.

"It's cause he is also a vampire and I don't trust that guy so I have to protect him. I can't tell you guys much right now cause I need to go. And you too should go home cuz I'm not the only one who is feeding tonight" He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Are there more vampires?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course there are. And you two should be careful" he said concernedly, to which we just nodded.


Finally, we got back home, Taehyung went back to his mission and also said that today was no moon day so vampires don't appear in photos and mirrors, that's how we can identify them. I discovered that Minji had fallen asleep. So we just sit on the couch, progressing what just happened for a few minutes. It was scary yet cool, I always low-key was interested in vampires.

"Phew, that was too much to take all at once," Yoongi said while closing his eyes.

"Yeah, it was" I replied.

Soon Yoong's phone got vibrated in his pocket so he quickly took it out and checked the caller ID.

"Who is it?" I asked

"Jhope" he simply replied, as he put the phone on speaker.

"Hellooo guys~~," Hobi said from the other line.

"What is it Hobi?" Yoongi asked.

"So... I dunno what you guys are doing, but I'm having the best moment of my life" he replied.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked this time.

"So I got invited into this cool party. And guess what, Jimin is also here, dancing perfectly. God, I didn't know that he was such a talented dancer. Wait lemme send you a photo of him and the party" he said.

"Wait wasn't it the party that Tae mentioned earlier? Remember the one where Jimin went" I whispered to Yoongi.

"Right. It is" he whispered back.

Suddenly a message popped up on Yoongi's phone from Jhope. He opened the message it was a picture that he mentioned earlier. He downloaded the pic, and the floor slid under our feet slightly. The picture was of Jimin dancing alone with juice.

"So this is the party that Taehyung was talking about," Yoongs said with the same frightened expression as mine.

"Yes it is"

"But why can't we see anyone around Jimin?" He asked.

"Remember what Taehyung told us. Today is no moon night, which means they will not show up in pictures or in the mirror" I remind him what Tae said earlier.

"So that means.............."


"They both are in a freaking vampire's party!!" We both said in unison.

"Fuck. We gotta do something" Yoongi said while rubbing his temples.

"Yup! Even though he is a dork we need to save him"

"And Jimin too." He added.

"Yup. Maybe we can help Tae in this even though he is a vampire" I said.

"Okay so let's go. You have a car in the garage right, we can use it to get there faster" he asked.

"Yes, I have. Let's go"

We both rushed into the garage while grabbing the keys on the way here. I sat in the driver seat while Yoongs sat in the passenger, and putting our seat belts on I started the engine.

Soon we almost arrived at the place when we spotted Tae.


I love vampire stuff and all. Hope you like the chapter, I know it's not so interesting but after a few chapters, the real fun will begin 😉
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