lunatic: so charlotte's no pregnant..
sassyblonde: that was a great plot twist
legitboss: i agree
ahugger: its fucked up
bigdog: am i the only one celebrating??
theviper: hell!
twotones: nah, this is GREAT news!!
uudd: yeah....but what about the person she's trying to convince is the dad???
kevin: oh shit yeah-
twotones: oop-
theviper: TEA!!!
sassyblonde: i would ask...but she's kind of being a bitch rn
legitboss: wait, it's good news to not have a baby?
lunatic: right now...yeah
legitboss: oh.
sassyblonde: weird.
ahugger: renee, where are you?
sassyblonde: at the hotel, why?
ahugger: can you come up to my room? its 908
sassyblonde: okay.
kevin: whats going on-
bigdog: no idea
theviper: im confused asf
twotones: me too, sasha isn't even here anymore
fabulous: wow, they just left me out
bigdog: either is bayley-
demonking: maybe someone's dying
kevin: maybe someone is sick
uudd: maybe someone's preggo!
twotones: oh god
theviper: its not renee
uudd: how do you know-
theviper: me and renee already planned when to start trying have kids
twotones: you guys had a talk-
bigdog: haven't you?
twotones: no! should i be worried?
theviper: well do you want kids?
twotones: ofc
fabulous: just know, if sasha is pregnant, don't stay silent. let her know that you're happy or she will cry. no woman wants to be starred at like they're crazy.
twotones: thanks?
fabulous: oh, you're so welcome
a/n sasha, pregnant or not? find out soon. also sorry this is short and that i haven't updated, i have been working on my new book lmao. ill update again tmrrw