Chapter 1

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Shiemi has just joined the cram school. Rin and Yukio had recently saved Shiami from a plant demon and Rin was surprised to see her entering his class room

"Wait you also wanna become an exotics?" Rin questioned.
The small girl noded

As class started Rin started to doze of dreaming of saving everyone and them rewarding him with sukiaki.

But Ryuji was not taking it
'Why is he even here if he isn't going to pay attention' the male with two toned hair thought to himself. Just as he thought that the teacher woke Rin up from his amazing dream.

Rin's POV

Jeez, I was so excited to eat. Sadly it was a dream.
I felt as if someone was watching me. I turned around to see roster head looking at me with dagers. He mouthed something to me, I couldn't quite make it out but I could tell it was an insult by his angry expression.
He looked like a thug
But he looked so cool and amazing!

Before I knew it I was staring and blushing

Bon's POV

I see Okumara looking back at me with a faint blush. I grin at him only making him blush more the turning his head away.

At break

Shima, Konekomar and I walk to the Fountain only to see Shiemi and Rin. I see Shiemi holding Rins hands sending a sharp pain in my chest

"Okumara, you guys dating" I say teasingly ignoring the pain.

"What!? No!" he said making me feel less tense for some reason

We throw a few insults at each other before we know it break ended.

Rin's POV

That guy might be cool and good looking but he gets on my nervs! But anyways it's time for P.E

Me and the rest of the class head to our P.E class room


After P.E I went to the dorm Yukio and I shared. I started to make dinner for Yukio and myself. I was half way through when I heard a knock on the door. I sigh to open it
"Hello how can I help you-..... Oh it's you" I say when I see roster head standing infront of me.

I sigh
"Listen if you want to say something just say it-" I was cut off
"Mr. Okumara said I must tutor you.." He said looking off to the side scratching the back of his neck. I raise my brow.
"...... Fine, come in" I say leading him in.
"Take a seat, I'm still making food. Want some" I ask
"Why are you being nice?" He says making me blush but also annoying
"Because you're a guest, and if I'm not nice Yukio will totally kick my ass!" I shout walk back to the kitchen
"Jeez sorry" he calls out sarcastically

After making food I grab a bowl for Bon and myself and head to the lounge. I hand him the plate of food.
"Thanks, so.... What are you failing in?" He asks
"U-um w-well" I grab my note book.
"I don't understand this" i say sitting next to him.
"That's easy "
He starts to explain to me.  Out shoulders touch making me blush.

We finally take a break to eat
"Wow this is... Actually really good Okumara" he says
"Did you think it was gonna be trash or something!?" I say raising my voice a bit
"Yeah" he replies making me crossing my arms.
He laughs
"Your such an asshole Bon" I spat out
"Well... The food was really good so..... Thanks" he says

We continue the rest of the night studying untill we hear the door open
"Yukio!" I smile
"Hello Ryuji" he greets Bon
"Hello Mr. Okumara" Bon says

We all talk for a few minutes until it was night and Bon had to go to his dorm. I walk him out

"Bye Rin" he waved at me as he walked off. I blush by him calling me by my first name.

Finally out
I am so so SO sorry it was really late
Please don't kill me

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