Chapter 8

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"I know... What I did was harsh and unacceptable but please... Come back home" Ryuji pleaded

"This is my home now Ryuji Sugaro"

"Sugaro, it would be better if you just leav-"
"No! I'm not leaving without you" Ryuji demanded
"I-I'll... Do anything... Just please come back" Ryuji said with tears in his eyes. It was very rare to ever see Ryuji cry. He had sworn to never cry in front of anyone, but this time he couldn't contain himself.
Okumara was shocked at the fact that his ex friend was crying over him. Rin could see that Ryuji really didn't mean it... But didn't change all the hurt the taller male put him through
"I'm willing to do anything" Bon said.

Katsuya stood there not able to do anything.
'Surely Akem-Rin won't leave right?' He thought
"Next week..." Rin replied
"W-what?" Bon questioned
"I'll leave with you next week" Rin looked off to the side making Bon's tears disappear
"Thank y-"
"No!" Katsuya cut off Sugaro
"Y-You can't just leave! You're my friend too!"
"N-no it's not fair"
"I know but.... My family is there"
"I don't care!"
Those words shook both Rin and Ryuji
"Fine.... Go then" Sayo stormed out the apartment

"Are you ok" Ryuji asked bringing his hand to Rin's shoulder, only for it to be slapped away
"Yeah, if he hates me now then that's just how far our friendship goes" Okumara stated
"I'm guessing you don't have anywhere to stay"
Bon nodded
"You can stay here for the week" Rin said walking inside with Ryuji following him in.
Sugaro was surprised to see how much Rin had changed, he didn't have that same glimpse in his eyes like he normally did. He wasn't as energetic anymore
"You can sleep on the couch, I'll give you a pillow and a blanket" Rin stated
"I'm sorry"
".... I know"

Rin walked into his room and came back a few seconds later with a pillow and a blanket, he handed it to the two toned haired male. Bon took this opportunity to pull Rin close into a tight embrace.
"Sugaro get off"
"No, I missed you. Just please grant me this one wish" Ryuji pleaded. Rin stood there and eventually hugged back.
Ryuji could hear small sobs coming from the half demon
"It's ok Rin" Bon comforted him by stroking his hair
"I promise to never hurt you again" Sugaro said


The next morning Ryuji woke up on the couch and saw Rin in the kitchen. He walked to his crush
"Ha-hay Bon"
It was still a bit awkward for them. They stayed silent for a few minutes
"S-sorry about last night" Rin apologized breaking the uncomfortable silence
"No no it's ok" Ryuji smiled
"Hay can I ask you something Bon?" Rin questioned
"Did... Did Yukio miss me?"
"He did, he actually arranged a whole search part to come and look for you"
Rin was in shock but he smiled
"I know this might be too soon but... Can we be friends again?" Bon asked. Rin though for a second


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