Chapter 7

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"A-Akemi!? What happened"

Katsuya was now very concerned about his friend
"I-I" Rin collapsed into his friend's arms
"Yukio.... He-"
"Who's Yukio!?"
Rin didn't respond
"It's ok Akemi, I'll protect you from all the things that are hurting you"

They stayed hugging like that until the half demon stoped crying


"I've found Rin, I was able to track him down by his phone" Yukio said
"W-what really?" Ryuji beamed
"I know you've been quite concerned for him so I was hoping you would do the honor of bringing him back" the younger Okumara brother asked
"Y-yes of course" Bon agreed.
"I'll give you more details tomorrow" Yukio exclaimed with a smile.
Ryuji nodded and walked back to his dorm fulled with relief and happiness, he was finally going to see Rin again. He opend the door
"Welcom back, you look happy, what happened?" Shima asked
"I'll be going somewhere, I'll be gone for a few days" Bon grinned
"Ok then" Shima replied and with that Ryuji went to his room.


It was finally morning and Bon did all the essentials then head to his teacher's dorm straight away.
As soon as he arrived Yukio gave him Rin's current location and where he lived
"Please bring him back safely" Yukio advised to which Ryuji nodded and left for the train station. Although Sugaro was extremely excited he couldn't help but worry about Rin's reaction to seeing him again. He knew that it wouldn't be positive but he didn't care, as long as Rin came back home


It took Sugaro 4 hours to get to the city Rin now lived at
"Finally here... Now I just need to head to his house" Ryuji said to himself while following the map of Rin's location on his phone. In no time at all he arrived
'Ok Ryuji... Just breathe, you just need to explain why you were such an ass and get him back'
Ryuji was about to knock on the door when it opened. A male with mid-length black hair stood there
"D-Does Rin Okumara live here?" Bon asked
"Katsuya? Who is it?" Said another voice questioned. His voice sounded familiar, they sounded like Rin. The other male walked to the door which made Sugaro shook

"R-Ryuji!? W-what are you-" Rin was cut off
"Rin you have to come back, please" Sugaro pleaded
".... Why should I" Rin asked in a harsh tone. The atmosphere was silent and uncomfortable until Katsuya spoke
"Akemi.... Who is he" Sayo asked
"No one..." Rin commented making Bon hurt
"I deserve that b-but everyone misses you Rin-" Ryuji was cut off
"His name is Akemi" Katsuya said
"No... No it's not" Rin said to his friend making him shook
"W-who are you then?" Sayo shackily asked
"My name is... Rin Okumara, I moved here a week ago" Rin sighed and turn to his ex friend
"To get away from people like you!" He continued
"I didn't know how to react" Bon tried to defend himself
"That doesn't give you the right to treat me like shit Sugaro!" Rin stated
"W-wait is he one of the reasons you moved here?" Katsuya questioned.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" Katsuya shouted at the two toned hair male
"I know... What I did was harsh and unacceptable but please... Come back home" Ryuji pleaded

"This is my home now Ryuji Sugaro"

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