Chapter 4

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This was it. Rin had enough of all the names and the way he was being treated. He hated it here but he knew he couldn't give up.... Not yet


Rin was walking to his dorm when he bumped into a familiar face. Ryuji Sugaro
"Watch where you're going freak" the two toned haired male said. Rin sighed
"I haven't done anything to you" Rin said softly, a bit of anger in his voice
"Oh shut-" Bon was cut off
"You know what! You shut up! I have never harmed anyone in our class, heck in our entire school! Do you think I like being the spawn of Satan! I hate it!" Rin shouted
"Rin I-" he was cut off again
"A-and to think that we were finally getting along, not to mention I had deep feelings for you! I-I..... I hate you Bon" Rin ran back to his dorm leaving Bon speechless

Bon never hated Rin but when he found out that Rin was the spawn of Satan he didn't know how to react. Ryuji knew what he was doing was unacceptable but he didn't know what to do. He had never been good with socialising

Rin was done with this, being treated like crap by everyone. He packed his bags and booked a train ticket to the next two towns over. He had decided to move and change his name
'It's not like anyone will miss me...' He thought.
"Akemi Yoshida, that'll be my new name" he said thinking allowed.
He walked to the train station with his luggage and went onto the train
A few hours later

"What do you mean Rin is gone!?" Bon asked practically screaming
"No one knows where he is, everything in his dorm is gone" Yukio said trying to keep his composure.
Suguro was blaming himself
'This was my fault wasn't it.... If I wasn't such a dumbass this would've lost him' he cursed himself
"We'll be gathering people for a search part-"
"I'll join" Ryuji said firmly.
Yukio nodded and continued to work.
Bon decided to go back to the dorm him and Shima shared. When he got there he was greeted by his dorm mate
"Haaay Bon- are you ok?" Shima asked to which Sugaro nodded
"Yeah... Just going to go to sleep" Bon walked to his bedroom and flopped onto his bed.
"I'm sorry I was terrible to you Rin... I really am..." Bon soon drifted to sleep


"I'm finally here!" Rin said
"All I need to do is find an apartment and apply for a school!" He enthusiastically said.
After he had done both he went to the apparent and sat on the floor, because he had no furniture yet, and sighed
'At least I'll make new better friends... Hopefully' he thought
'I miss Yukio and Shiami.... And Bon' Rin felt warm tears stream down his face. He whiped his tears with his sleeve
"Stop it Rin! They don't care" he said slapping his cheeks

"This is my chance to start over!"

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