Chapter 5

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It was Rin's first day at his new school. He was nervous but excited at the same time. As soon as he did all the essentials he started to walk to school.
He was thinking of all the things that could happen and all the people he'd meet. He wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and he bumped into someone

"Ack! I'm so so sorry!" Rin apologized
"No no it's fine" a tall man with mid length black hair said while reaching out his hand to help Rin. Rin got up and thanked him
"Are you by chance going to xxx high school?" The kind male asked
"Y-yeah, how'd you know?"
"Well you're wearing the uniform"
"O-oh right!" Rin laughed at himself
"I'm Katsuya Sayo, nice you meet you" he stuck out his hand and Rin shook it
"Ri- I mean Akemi Yoshida, it's nice to meet you too!" Rin said excitedly

"Come on, we should go before we're late"
The two of them quickly ran to the school


Back at True Cross Academy, Bon was falling asleep in classes more often, most nights he was battling to fall asleep because he was so worried about Rin. Shima soon woke Ryuji up
"Hay Bon, wake up class is over!" Shima shouted. Sugaro stirred awake
"Haha you seem to be falling asleep in class lately just like Ri-"
"Don't say that name!" Ryuji slammed his fist on the table making Shima jump
".... S-sorry"


"Hay, can I call you Akemi? You can call my Katsuya if you want" Sayo asked to which 'Akemi' agreed
"So why did you transfer?" Katsuya asked
"Um.... To tell you the truth.. I was bullied a lot so I decided to transfer" Rin admitted making Sayo's eyes widened
"What Really!? That's horrible"
Rin scratched the back of his head
"I promise to never bully you Akemi!"
Katsuya's words made Rin blush
"Y-you promise?"
"Of course"
Rin hugged his new friend
"Thank you Katsuya"
"No problem"

When school was over Okumara went furniture shoping, he had some money left, plus he signed up as a barista as a part-time job.
Rin felt confident, it was hard work to do everything on his own but it made him feel independent.
It took a few days for the furniture to come but after his house was full he was extremely happy.
"Finally!" He shouted
"I'm going to call Katsuya and ask him if he wants to come over, is that alright Yuki-" Rin stoped his sentence, he no longer had to ask permission from anyone but he felt a pain in his chest. He clenched his chest and warm tears streamed down his face
"Why... Why do I miss him a-and everyone else too... They all treated me so badly.. I don't under stand"

Rin heard his phone ring, he wiped his tears away and answered it
"Hi Akemi!" Katsuya said from the other side
"I was wondering if I could come over to your house to day?" Sayo asked
"I was actually about to call you to ask you the same thing!" Rin confessed
"Great! I'll come over right now!" Sayo said hanging up the phone

"See you then"

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