Chapter 11

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"We're going home"

Soon after Rin fell asleep on Ryuji's shoulder, making the taller male blush.

They only arived back at True Cross Academy at 9:25.
"Hay Rin wake up, we're back" Ryuji shook the small boy a bit, not to hard but just enough to wake him up.
"Really?" Rin asked stirring awake. Sugaro nodded and they got off the train. Rin felt uneasy
"Are you ok?" Ryuji asked before Rin fell to his knees crying
"Rin!" Bon raced to his aid
"I'm fine, I'm fine... Just nervous about how everyone will react towards me being here again" Rin sobbed while trying to wipe his tears away
"Hay, it'll be ok. I'll punch anyone who tries to hurt you" Bon stated

Rin got up and hugged Ryuji
"Thanks Bon"
They walked to Rin's dorm first.
"Mr.Okumara we're bac-" Before Ryuji could finish his sentence Yukio ran into the room. Rin was surprised to see his brother so energetic.
"Rin!" Yukio ran to his twin and hugged him tightly
"Y-Yukio! What has gotten into you?!" Rin asked
"Rin you idiot, we missed you dummy" Yukio replied shedding one single tear.
Rin hugged back. Ryuji leaned against the wall and let the twins have their moment.
"Thank you Sugaro for bringing him back" Yukio remarked while letting go of the hug
"Not a problem sir" he smiled


The next day Rin was greeted with a warm welcoming party thrown by his classmates
"Welcome back Rin!" Shiami yelled.
Rin was talking to Izumo, Shiami and Konekomar
"So, does he hate you" Shima asked Bon
"No actually" Ryuji answered while smiling
"I told he wouldn't! He's Rin after all" Shima chimed. Ryuji rolled his eyes the focused his gaze on Rin.
Rin looked at the two toned hair male and smiled, sending butterflies to his stomach and heat rising to his cheeks.
'Cute' Bon thought to himself.

After the party Rin walked over to Ryuji
"Hay, wanna go to the rooftop?" Rin asked to which Ryuji nodded and the walked upstairs. It was just before sunset and the two sat on the edge.
"Hay Ryuji"
"Did you mean it"
"Did I mean what?" Sugaro asked
"When you said you had deep feelings for me" Rin replied. Bon was shocked and blushing immensely.
It was silent for a bit until Rin put his hand on Bon's.
"I'm glad" Rin said lovingly

Rin looked at him and smiled. Bon could no longer contain himself any longer. He grabbed Rin's cheeks and kissed him softly. At first the eldest Okumara was shocked but then gave in to the kiss. They broke apart from each other a few seconds later
"You're a good kisser" Ryuji bluntly said making Rin's entire face red. Sugaro laughed and gave him a side hug
"You were ok at it..." Rin mumbled
"Just ok? You bet your ass I was amazing!" Ryuji scuffled his hair
"Y-you... You-you...!" Rin couldn't think of anything to say and Sugaro laughed
"It's ok Rin, I know I'm the best" Sugaro boasted and Rin rolled his eyes.

Rin lay his head on the thug looking male as they watched the sunset

"I love you"
"I love you more!"

Hay guys!
Sorry I didn't post for 2 days TwT
Anyways the next chapter will be the last and it will be a short fluff one
Have a good day/night

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