Chapter 3

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Hay guys
In this chapter I'm going to skip time to where everyone finds out about Rin, I'm sorry for taking long
But I can never find the time to watch Blue Exorcist or I forget. I was trying to keep up with the story but that failed miserably
So form now I will finally be doing the plan I wanted to do, but I won't tell you what it is ÙwÚ
Ok ok on with the story

Rin's POV

I walked into my class and got dirty looks from everyone except Shiemi, she seemed to petty me.
I sighed and sat down
"Why is a demon like you here anyways" Izumo commented. I ignored it untill I see Bon get up and walk to the door
"Where are you going" Shima asked
"I don't see why I should be around a vulgar demon"

I could feel my heart break. I stood up
"It's fine, I'm the problem.... So I'll go" I said, my tone a little harshly. I walk out the classroom and bump into someone, it was Yukio.
He gave me a disgusted look. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I ran back to my dorm and sat on my bed sobbing
'Demon, monster, freak'
Those were the only words that filled my head. My vision was blury from all the tears I was crying.

I sighed and made some tea to calm me down. It hurt to think that I was just getting along with Ryuji and now he hates me
I hate this!
I wish I was never born!.... No that's a lie, right now everyone is just confused or scared. I'm sure over time things will get better!.... Right?

The rest of the night I spent  training outside. It got my mind off things for a while. I finished training but before I went inside I overheard a coversation between my brother and Bon

"Why is he here in the first place!" I hear Sugaro shout
"Mr. Phelis alowed him to become an exorcist" Yukio said
"And what if he destroys us?"
"Leave it to us"
I hear Bon storming off making my heart sink. I walk inside
"I assume you heard what Ryuji and I were talking about" Yukio said not looking up from his book. I nodded
"Don't bother coming to class anymore" Yukio said sternly
"What... W-why?" My ears drooped
"Why do you think? People will end up not coming to class if you're there"

I clenched my fists
"You're my brother... Arn't you supposed to be defending me!" I scolded.
Yukio didn't reply. I sighed and walked to my bedroom.

I sit there on my bed for a while, thinking of all the situations that could happen between me and my classmates. I also start to remember all the memories we had. I start to get all teary.

My heart ached so much.
I couldn't help but sob. I cried my self to sleep and slept a dreamless night like the night before.

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