Chapter 2

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Rin's POV

Yukio was setting up our dorm for the boot camp we were having
As soon as everyone arrived they all complained of how the building looked. Can't honestly blame them, the dorm looks like a scary house you'd see in a horror film!
"Alright class, time to do your assessment" Yukio Declared making us all grunt

When we all finished with the test I stood up
"Where are you going?" Bon asked me
"To get some fresh air... Wanna come?" I say hesitantly. He nods and we walk out side together
"So Okumara, why do you
Always carry that sword around" Ryuji asked me
"Oh! My dad gave it to me before he.... Um... He just gave me the sword" I reply a bit harshly
"Jeez don't need to shout you idiot-" before he could finish we heard Poko screaming. We both rushed to the girls bathroom
There was a ghoul attacking
It got really heated and I nearly had to use my power but luckily Yukio showed up and shot the ghoul

And just like that the next day was here and we all went to class. For once I was trying to learn when I heard someone say:
"Don't think to hard" I turn around to see who it was, surprise surprise it was Ryuji
"I'll try not to" I say
"That's not what I meant-.... Nevermind, I see you're using the clip I gave you" he says. I swear I saw him blush!
"Yeah! My hair is always in my face so it really helps, thanks Bon!" I yell
"H-hay I thought I told you to not call me that!" He yells back
"Would you two shut up" Izomo said
I sigh and continue to study

Later that night we all went back to my dorm
"Looks like there are only a few sleeping bags, so I'll split you up into pairs" Yukio stated
As long as I'm not with-
"Suguro and Rin, you'll be sharing a sleeping bag Shima and-" I didn't listen to the rest and was already pouting, I didn't want to sleep with him because... B-because he's mean and really cool and pretty eyes and-
"Okumara! Let's go" Bon said
"D-don't tell me what to!" I yell back
We get to the sleeping bag and Bon gets in

"Why can't I sleep in my room Yukio!" I ask
"Because you're in the class so you have to stay with them"
"Then why do you get to sleep in your room"
"Because I'm the teacher"
"Stop arguing with Mr. Okumara and lie down" I hear Bon say. I finally give up and lie down facing the opposite from Suguro. I suddenly feel arms wrap aroud my waist and hear faint snors coming from the roster head. I turn around to see him and blush at the sight

I've never seen Bon look so relaxed and even.... Kinda cute. I shake that thought out of my head


I wake up to a bright light, it was phones taking pictures of.... Me? I finally realize the position I'm in.
Both Bon and I were hugging each other. I push him away making him stir awake
"Okumara what the hell was that fo- why is everyone looking at us" he asked
"Well you and Rin-" Izomo says before I cut her off
"Don't you dare!" I demanded
".... YOUANDRINWEREHUGGINGEACHOTHER!" She shouts making both of us blush
"Looks like Bon is still in the habit of grabbing onto something when he sleeps" Shima snikers
"Sh-shut up Shima!" Sugaro shouted
Today was off to a great start....

Oh. My. God....
I'll try and post tomorrow as well
Also the reason for this delay is that I kept on forgeting to watch Blue Exorcist because I want to follow the story line to see what happend
But anyways
Enjoy your day night

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