Chapter 12

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Rin and Ryuji were sat at the couch watching movies all day. Rin was snuggled up to Bon
"We should get out of the dorm" Ryuji kissed his lover's forehead
"Yeah but I'd rather stay here with you" Rin replied
"C'mon, I'll take you on a date" Bon suggest making Rin look up at him bashfully.
"R-Really!?" Rin asked to which Ryuji nodded
"So are we going to-"
"Yes!" Rin's tail was wagging excitedly to which Ryuji laughed
"Ok we'll meet up in an hour, you get ready so long" Ryuji stated while walking towards the exit of the Okumara's dormitory.
"Ok! I'll see you then" Rin beamed and sprinted to his room to get dressed. He grabbed his fanciest shirt and black jeans. He combed his hair and put a clip in his hair, the clip Bon gave him when the first met.

"Where are you going?" A voice asked. Rin turned around to see his twin, Yukio
"U-uh... I decided to go for a walk"Rin blurted out
"They why are you dressed like that, I hardly ever see you in something so formal" Yukio teased
"Hay!... I can dress however I want to" Rin pouted to which Yukio sighed
"Ok ok, well have fun on your 'Walk'"  Yukio said sarcastically while walking out of the room.


There was a knock on the dormitory. Rin raced down the stairs to open the door
"Hay Ryuji!" Rin greeted him for the second time
"Hay" Bon smiled
"You ready?" He continued to which Rin nodded.
"Yukio I'm heading out" Rin shouted before walking out with the taller male
"So where are going?" Rin asked
"It's a secret" Ryuji replied. The two of them walked to a very quiet park, it had a lake with koi fish and a brige over it.
"It looks so pretty!" Rin smiled and Ryuji returned the smile
"I was hoping you would like it"Bon stated
"I love it Ryuji!" Rin hugged and kissed his boyfriend's cheek constantly

Both of them sat on the soft grass whilst feeding the koi. Soon Rin's phone buzzed, he picked up his phone
"Awwww!" Rin thought aloud while reading the text in his phone
"What happened?" Sugaro asked
"Katsuya said he has a girlfriend, I'm so happy for him!" Rin sounded proud of his friend making Bon laugh
"H-hay! What's so funny!?" Rin demanded
"Nothing, it's just you're so cute" Bon said while playing with Rin's hair making the navy haired boy blush
"Yeah yeah whatever...." Rin mumbled. Ryuji kissed his boyfriend making them both smile

"I love you Rin Okumara"

"I love you too Ryuji Sugaro"

~The end~

Hay guys!
Thank you so much for reading this story, sorry this took kinda long to make also for it being so short

Have a good day/night

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