Chapter 10

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It had been a week since Bon had arrived and it was nearly time for him and Rin to go back to True Cross.

"Are you you finished packing?" Bon asked
"Yeah, just need to return the furniture" Rin replied
"Such a pitty... The couch is so comfortable" Rin sighed but then smiled at Ryuji
"Excited to go back I assume" Bon remarked

After returning
The furniture

"How long until we leave?" Rin questioned
"About an hour" Ryuji responded. They sat on the floor of the now empty apartment.
"How is your training going?" Rin inquired
"Good thanks"
"I missed using my sword" Rin pouted
"Where is your sword?" Sugaro asked
"I hid it somewhere in Yukio's dorm before I left"
The two boys sat in comfortable silence
"I remember you saying something to me before you left" Bon stated, breaking the silence
"Oh really? What did I say?"
"You said you had deep feelings for me"
Okumara's cheeks were bright red
"I-I did!?"
"Yeah... I honestly couldn't believe it, I couldn't say anything because you stormed off" Ryuji smiled while Rin hid his face in his hands.
"Hay Rin...."
".... Yeah" Rin mumbled
"I have deep feelings for you too"
Rin looked up in shock
"W-wait really!?" The navy haired male asked
Sugaro nodded while placing one of his hands on Rin's.
They both looked each other and leaned in. Before they could kiss they heard a knock on the door

Rin got up and walked to the door. Once he opened it he saw a familiar face, but this time this person was crying
Sayo held Rin in a tight embrace
"I'm so so so so sorry"
"H-hay what's wrong?" Rin asked. Ryuji heard all the commotion and walked to the door
"I-I am sorry I was so mean... I just... I don't want you to go!" Katsuya spoke. Rin pat the sad boy's head
"It's ok Katsu..."
"No it's not!" Sayo sobbed
Sugaro watched in the distance cursing to himself
"Come in, I'll make you tea" Rin said leading to the kitchen which had nothing in it
"Oh.... Right" Rin suddenly realized there was nothing to make tea with
"Well we can always talk" Rin suggested
"No, we only have 20 minutes" Sugaro sneered
"It's ok Rin... I'll go-" Katsuya was cut off by Rin
"No! You can come with us to the train station, right Bon" Rin looked over at Bon, full of hope
"... Fine" Ryuji replied
"Let's go then!" Rin exclaimed picking up all of his belongings


At the train station they waited for about five minutes before they had to leave
"Promise to stay in touch" Rin promised and hugged Katsuya
"Promise" Sayo replied. Bon felt jealous and grunted.
They said their goodbye's and got on to the train.
"I never thought I'd be going back" Rin muttered. Bon put his arm around the navy haired boy's shoulder. Rin was shocked at first but then leaned on Sugaro.

"We're finally going home"


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