Law is order, agreed upon rules;
You formulate punishments based on crimes,
The goal: to associate signifier with sign,
The act of disorder must be done only by fools.
Who is the one who weighs the two extremes
Of pleasure and displeasure, that make regimes
Prosperous and peaceful; ideology at work
as in perfect theory, there are none who shirk.
Why then, are there people who break the law?
How do they benefit from societal withdrawal?
For punishment, loss of liberty
Re-enacts a form of slavery
That is by no means pretty,
and systematically immoral.
Could it be,
That the system benefits from people's knavery?
That for some people, hierarchy
has a distinct dictum:
That some 'advantage' can be found,
In the penal system.
But why is there reason?
To see that some people benefit from crime, when the system is particularly careful to make it disadvantageous. The reason I see, in some societies, is respect; 'street-cred' a thing, yet it perpetuates the problem, which becomes a cycle. How can we stop this?
Exploring the Mind
PoetryFooling around with the mind, your amazed at what you can find! Your existence is a goldmine of experiences.