Chapter 28: To lift the crown

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The friends have walked in the direction of hypno Kate forever and they still had no sign of their beloved friend Bucky shed a tear if Kate was lost forever what would he do he thought to himself he totally couldn't rule by himself what would twinkle paw do if Kate was gone If Kate was gone then General Jacques would be able to buy the castle and make it a military building Hey bunny I forgot the name to a familiar voice called out its Bucky he said and these are my human friends Merith and skyler said It was the flirty squirrel pine now something's missing pine said ahh that's it where's that affectionate and hot wolf Kate the name is pine said Bucky thumping his foot he was mad um excuse me but that's my spouse your talking about pine smirked ahh she chose you I see peeved that Kate didn't choose him even though pine was falling for her well Bucky said Kate is being controlled by Unknown an evil spirit who is trying to take control her to destroy the home she loves pine looked mad well nobody is going to harm her not on my watch cotton tail pine said count me in Knock off flirting with my wife she's mine Bucky said pine still had a strong dislike for Bucky but he did respect him enough look it's Kate Merith said as they looked she was using Unknown's green flames to destroy a beavers dam how are we going to snap her out of it I've got it Bucky said I've got oaks her childhood toy it brings back memories to when Merith first met Kate skyler here Bucky said and he placed it toward Kate she looked and growled and destroyed it Kate no! Merith said as she cried down on her knees I'll handle this Bucky said with determination I'll bring back Kate he said hey Kate Bucky said I understand the trials and errors you've been feeling but you are stronger than this we know you are he said we've traveled the lands of the living for days, months, years Kate you are a natural leader who we all look up to said Bucky since the very beginning you've lost your home, your family, your emotions sometimes that's traumatic I know but we can get through it the unphased altered Kate growled and barked as she shot green flames at Bucky You're a kind courageous brave and very pretty queen who everyone loves and adores we'd sacrifice ourselves to protect the queen who is fit for that role and I perfectly understand where you are coming from Kate Bucky said cause really we've all felt the same pain I've lost my father to an avalanche. Merith almost lost her home and lost her parents, and skyler almost lost his mom to stage four cancer but we never gave up did we he said Kate duplicated and in her Unknown state shot double fire balls at Bucky who couldn't dodge four of her flames and was shot to the ground Bucky! Merith said rushing over to her very close friend who was unconscious skyler bent down to look at his buddy's condition his leg was bent, his nose was disfigured, he had a big burn on his left side, and he had one ear twitching No! Merith said as a tear dropped on Bucky's burn a fog mist swept the three up but this time to a new location the cave was filled with light, it was decorated with a dining table filled with cooked food, bean bag chairs, and a single coach which stood a elephant um sorry to bother your nap Merith said the elephant woke up startled well I'm sorry my name is toffee and I'm the healer and guide I tend to heal with the seven chakras What are chakras skyler said well let me tell you dear boy said toffee chakras are the embodiment of our life force our soul, mind, and body it controls the seven chakras that are all connected to certain parts of your body so sit back relax and let me explain", the first chakra is located in the first three the vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon, when this chakra is open we feel safe and fearless he continued The second revolves around our creative and sexual activity it is located above the public bone, below the navel, and its responsible for our creative expression he said as he continued The third chakra, the manipura chakra means lustrous gem and it's the area from the navel to the breastbone the third chakra is our source of personal power any questions toffe said the Friends shook their heads and he proceeded the fourth chakra inhabits the connection between matter and spirit and is located at the heart center the fourth chakra also is known for spiritual contact but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotion, and spirit, it is the source of love and connection toffee continued the fifth chakra is located in the area of the throat this is our verbal expression and ability to speak our honest truth the fifth chakra involves the neck, thyroid, and parathyroid glands, jaw, mouth, and tongue now we're on our last to toffee said before continuing the sixth chakra is located between the eyebrows it is also referred to the third eye chakra Ajna is our center of intuition. We all have a sense of intuition he said but we may not listen to it or heed its warnings. The seventh and final chakra is the thousand petal lotus chakra is located at the crown of the head. This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection of our highest selves and others and ultimately to the Devine Now he said with the breathing and concentration you have done place your hands on your friend and breathe one big breath like an ocean and when they did Bucky woke up and smiled after they told him what happened they all thanked toffee and remember use the chakras to save your other friend he said before the fog floated them back to Kate who was chewing on a tree bark Kate Bucky said listen after being revived with the help of chakras I learned that the fourth chakra the chakra that embodies the center of the heart as you inside it you open that chakra for me Kate and I can't lose you Kate twitched and Unknown escaped running for the castle Bucky raced and gave Kate a hug and Kate shed a tear which went into the bottle Merith had as they raced to pour the ingredient in the brew it stirred and it mixed and skyler put the brew into a jar and closed it up what's the plan Kate skyler said the last parts of the mission is almost up he said and we have to beat Unknown to the castle National united city before he destroys it in flames the Friends nodded and headed toward the direction of Unknown as the climax of the tale is upon them waiting for the right moment to reveal itself 

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