Chapter 4: Hidden Secrets

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There was a moment of silence the two were afraid the other would tell even though they promised against it the clock was ticking and it was getting dark the question still lingered should they reaveal the question they so want to hear the sunset darkened the room the friends slipped away as they head toward their bedrooms. Kate couldn't sleep not now at least to think she made the wrong decision overlapping the guilt she has inside made her prevent her eyes to shut she was scared of what another dream would be like could it be the same or different where would the theme of it take place but no matter she stayed laying there in thought and question. Bucky sat on his loft bed fiddling with his glasses while doing so he thought about the secrete he would have told the secret that could lose the trust from his beloved queen his friend but it had been hard not telling a secret a hidden one to be precise and what would the pros be of telling his secret that she would still trust him well he decided to try to lay down and count sheep. Kate closed her eyes and then opened them she has lost her ability to sleep and she might know why it could be that Unknown is not wanting to speak with her or the secret that she wants to tell him but would it make him not want to rule with her and make a new home in the lands of the unimaginable she couldn't stand the constant guilt so she decided to count sheep and before long it indulged. Bucky had still been counting sheep his loyal vows to Kate he took very seriously but maybe he was going the wrong way about it maybe he wasn't taking it seriously loyalty meant the secrets he faced he would face with Kate the devoted loving bunny Kate deserves he hadn't been is making him realize he might be all alone and out in the lands of the unimaginable is not something he wants to relive he closed his eyes and counted to ten backwards and then his body shut down and he went to sleep. Kate woke up the weirdest thing was she was still in her room but that didn't make sense she could've sworn she fell asleep she walked toward the door and opened the door knob the door slowly shutting behind her she tried saying hello but no reply she went towards Bucky's room and slowly opened the door his room was wrecked everything was destroyed and all his stuff was placed all on the floor Kate checked the other rooms which of course looked the same the castle her home looked deserted and abandoned could she be alone she walked down stairs and opened the front door of the palace and her horrors await her the grass is dead the castle is crisp with green fire and then sudden laughter behind her there stood Unknown and evil versions of her friends Unknown held a green flame in his paw and his eyes glowing her evil friends clones had green eyes also and purple green like versions of their powers Unknown laughed well Kate this is what happens when you listen to me Kate whimpered this is just a dream Unknown soon I'll return back to my real room and you can't stop me Kate said back talking him Unknown laughed it's time for battle Unknown struck his fireball at Kate and she dodged then Unknown looked to Bucky ok buckshot go and before Kate knew it he shot green and purple glass icicles at her Kate dodged Unknown laughed huh can't fight your friends we'll see about that Fawning Kate's evil friend of fall grew her ears to tangle Kate within them and she squeezed trying to break every bone in Kate's body Kate howled the pain was too much for her Fawning let go and evil Stryker strykore shot evil fire baby's from his mouth Kate dodged and before than Unknown screamed Kate had returned to reality and the sun was rising it was morning she got out of bed and transformed into her royal armor and put the crown on her head and walked out of her room and headed for Bucky his door was open he was already awake so she went downstairs and was greeted by twinkle paw oh perfect Kate just in time breakfast is served and Bucky is already in the dining room so why don't you join him Kate nodded Bucky had seemed as though a little sad like a guilt expression  on his face unlike kate  he seem to be feeling a little down could it have been about last night Kate wasn't sure  but she decided to talk to him hey Bucky  are you still upset about last night  Bucky sighed  and replied yes I am and I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about the secret I guess I was scared you wouldn't believe me or would leave me Kate sighed as well she did agree with Bucky and replied before saying let's talk about our secret I know keeping hidden secrets can be hard even for a bunny like you Bucky nodded so what is your secret Bucky sighed  my secret is that my  father's cause of death was siding with the most evil general of all he was sacrificed in order to save me he was in fact evil Kate didn't know what to think  she sighed and took a deep breath before she told Bucky  that she couldn't tell him her  Secret because she was hiding too many already Bucky looked sad  Kate didn't know what to do should she run away  all she could do was apologize Bucky sighed and then replied out of disappointment you know if you didn't tell me that's OK but I really thought that you would be the most trusting out of anyone I know after they had breakfast twinkle paw announced something Kate feared of Kate you have to make a decision for national United city and it will  decide the fate of the kingdom and your reputation twinkle paw left the room back Bucky hopped off without a word Kate closed her eyes  she to hopped off in search for what her important royal  decision was as she feared she had lost her best bunny friend in the process

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