Chapter 29: The chase to the Heir

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The trees blowing by the wind swinging it back and fourth, the bright blue sky overhead, animals being heard beyond the horizon it had almost been like the Friends were free of any danger at all but sadly it was in fact the opposite the Friends had to beat their biggest rival Unknown to the castle before he tries to destroy it all into ash and the home Kate loved for so many years to be destroyed hopefully she thought that twinkle paw had evacuated the kingdom already and warned them to stay somewhere safe far away from unknown and his nasty flames however they didn't know that their friend twinkle paw had another thing to worry about much much worse than the predicament the kingdom was in. Waaa aaah oahh the disobedient baby cried as twinkle paw and the mom tried to get her out of the nursery the baby wouldn't budge and their was still half of the kingdom to evacuate the city was screaming and panicking and even though Brunette was helping her she still had to get this baby to move she thought about maybe singing a lullaby that way when the baby falls asleep the mom can pick her up and escape so she took a breath and started to sing", La la la on the tree top one young baby sings to the moon la la la laa la la one little baby went to the crib la la soon the baby goes to sleep and dreams so big the baby had finally calmed down and went to sleep Brunette twinkle paw said I've done it great she said I've gotten twenty eight evacuated Brunette said and I've got thirty five people evacuated Twinkle paw said we've got fifty four to go said Brunette as the friends rushed to evacuate them. Kate, Bucky. Merith, and skyler have made it to the gravel rocks and after Kate had put the protective armor on them Merith went first and made it to the end, skyler tried to go over but his boots were unbalanced he switched feet and he almost slipped but Merith gave him a hand and he made it, Bucky went next and was able to use his power to hop extremely high across the gravel rocks which made it easier for him and he made it with Merith and skyler last was Kate she duplicated herself so her clones would fall off the gravel rocks instead of her as she went safely across. The next stop was the highly high tide river which was harder the Friends held hands so no one would pull away to the river it was hard but hey made it. Finally was hyena valley which would be much harder considering the leader was sick and second in command was on guard how will we get through Kate Bucky said I've got a plan Kate used a telepathy to create a hyena bunny sized onesie and gave it to Bucky you need me to act like a hyena he said I wouldn't trust anyone else Bucky said Kate Bucky took a deep breath and put on the onesie which made him just like the rest now Bucky Kate said distract him and when I say go we head for the golden road Bucky and the others nodded Bucky went up to the cliff where the second chief stood who goes there the hyena said Bucky thought of a promising and very believable name Hookshanks he said hookshanks did I hear that right the hyena said yes well you must live In the other side of the village then yes sir re he said um I think a bunch of stags are coming you better evacuate good thinking soldier said the hyena go! Kate said and Bucky and the others ran far and far off and then they reached the golden bridge. Twinkle paw and Brunette have just finished and to their surprise no Unknown so the friends cheered it's getting dark said Brunette yes it is twinkle paw said and the Friends fell asleep on the doorstep. Unknown gathered his clones and raced through the castle gate Unknown with an evil grin shot ton of flames at the edge of the castle and laughed as he saw the destruction of the home Kate loved twinkle paw and Brunette had women up and saw what Unknown had done and twinkle paw rushed to fight she shot a big crystal star at Unknown and Brunette saw the clones and was horrified as Brunette watched twinkle paw and Unknown brutally battle. Kate and the others raced the golden road but Stryker and lantern stopped them from entering the gate not safe lantern said it's dangerous queen Kate Stryker let me in Kate had seen the horror that was displayed in front of her it was so surreal to the vision she had after she had slayed the evil mighty lord blazen the green flames at the rim of the castle, the clones ravaging, Unknown laughing as he did it with an evil grin and worst of all Unknown created two new clones Edith and bowler the evil clones of Merith and skyler Kate wiped her smile away and had a determined brace face one Twinkle paw Kate said yes said twinkle paw its time for battle she said Brunette you coming Bucky said yes he said Bucky was first Kate swept him up in his armor with his gold, navy blue, and aquarium blue color his helmet the magenta and navy blue with three gold spikes appeared, twinkle paw got a gold, magenta, and dark blue armor with a star at the top of her agua and pink helmet, Brunette got his black boots with the claws as sharp as a machete, grey armor, and a blue and green helmet, Merith got her magenta and black armor with brown ultra soft padding her armor went down to her Iconic pink and white boots, and her sash with seven arrows and a bow to shoot with. Stryker and lantern appeared kate made the armor shiny and lantern had a helmet with white glossy stones that brightened his power, fall came and got a gold and pink armor with purple boots, and a helmet that has her ears sticking out, fame got a cooling armor with grayish blue and black purple boots The had to light circles to shoot lightning out of. What about me Kate skyler said Kate forgot that skyler was new on the team she used her power to make a periwinkle lime yellow armor with brown padding and grey pants and scruffy yellow boots a exercise headband appeared around his head with three Indian feathers on it and war paint Kate's friends were ready and the battle to destroy the clones was about to begin

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