Chapter 31: Infinite

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Kate thought of her first attack the pressure of winning for her friends, the kingdom, and most of all herself made this battle twice as hard as it needs to be she thought but Unknown wasn't holding back as he shot green fireballs toward Kate and she leaped over them her crown on the left side on the way to sliding off Queen Kate her friends cheered our friend they said how cute your friends are cheering you on how adorable he said laughing his evil laugh the only thing that's keeping you on your feet is your friends and that stupid protective potion that cured half of your problem he said Unknown laughed and the queen who spent days, months, weeks preparing for this battle against her evil rival and she's overstimulated he said No I'm not she said shooting endless orbs at him in gold, silver, copper, and magenta Unknown laughed dodging them all Shit! She said as she realized his combat skills were above hers as he struck lava rocks full of green lava at Kate and she dodged Unknown was as strong as a bull his insane evil confidence made him more of an actual being than a sentient being she thought Twinkle paw Kate said I'm here to help bestie she said as she shot crystal stars and twinkle tornados at Unknown Kate smiled shooting orbs along with her Unknown was thrown off by Kate's immediate friend helping the battle huh the queen of national united city needs backup because she isn't strong alone Unknown said That's not the case Kate said it's just I'm stronger with the help of my friends she said as twinkle paw and Kate kept combating attacks at Unknown who acted like this was all a game similar to how young Kate was when she kept throwing the orb back and fourth as lord blazen got furious Bucky watched as the one he loves more than anything battling the strongest rival yet made him proud he thought to see his best friend and love progress into the most badass warrior wolf he'd ever seen Twinkle paw said Kate let's do a combat power he can't dodge that she said Twinkle paw was intrigued ok she said twinkle paw made a crystal shaped like Saturn and Kate made a magnolia flower made of gold and the friends combined them which made a lasso of rainbow Unknown burnt the combination with two lava rocks and the Friends jaws dropped he dodged the biggest attack we have how are we going to defeat him now said twinkle paw I don't know kate said with the help of your friends the others said Kate and nodded as the friends cornered Unknown for battle No matter how many friends you may have said Unknown I will supersede every attack you or your friends make you wanna bet Merith said striking an arrow at Unknown which made him attack with green fire but one arrow caught his right foot which made him wince he turned to black goo and turned back into his form which made him arrow free as Stryker shot a dozen fire babies at Unknown as Unknown dodged them all. Fame shot lightning bolts and only one burnt Unknown's ear and made him have a little electric shock but the evil wolf still stood as a weak brunette took charge he shot his claws out of his boots and slashed Unknown who stood back Unknown turned into black goo and regenerated a old voice whispered into Unknown's ear " Yor better than this" it said the voice was lord blazen encouraging Unknown to keep going Fall went next gripping Unknown as tight as she could Unknown moved and moved squabbling to try and break free he used a lava rock which made fall let him go as she dodged doing a flip to do it the young deer was impressed at herself as fall smiled Unknown growled and shot four lava rocks at Kate and Bucky thumped his foot soaring high into the sky as he hopped on glass icicle stairs to shoot glass like icicles at him which caught Unknown by surprise however he was clever and was able to dodge and shot lava rocks destroying Bucky's steps causing him to fall fierce guard Stryker caught him and saved the buck toothed bunny Stryker shot twenty four fire babies at Unknown and Unknown dodged only a dozen the other half he was hit with but he quickly regenerated Unknown took a long lasting laugh before attacking at Kate one fireball burnt Kate's paw making her whimper her silent cries made Bucky mad stay way from my wife he said Unknown watched as Bucky hopped so high like a fueled jet plane and created glass icicles steps and started shooting glass like icicles at Unknown he was so off guard and stepped back Stryker and fame shot a combo power making lightning infused fire babies that made a sound as loud as thunder Unknown growled as he realized Kate's friends made him weak as Kate and twinkle paw smiled as they did their final combat power Kate conjured a gold and silver magnolia flower and twinkle paw made her first successful crystal solar system and the two combined the powers creating a spirit of two wolves as the two spirits formed into a surge of blue lightning shit! Unknown said as he watched himself quickly turn into black iron stone the same color as his dark infused soul the friends cheered and skyler put the black goo into a jar and Stryker used his flames to turn it into ash the color returned to the castle as it remained as broken as the first battle to reclaim her throne Kate and Bucky shared a huge warm kiss I love you Kate said Bucky cried a tear of joy I love you too as the friends held each other happy at what they accomplished the infinite battle is over huh said Kate yeah said Merith skyler sighed I guess this is goodbye Merith said Kate raced giving Merith a genuine passionate hug and skyler did the same for Kate and Bucky as the two teens ventured back to ground oaks city and the royal kingdom returned Kate smiled a new triumph occurred today and she never felt better as Kate and Bucky went to the top of the steps and a new generation begins A wolf and bunny accomplishing defeating something that didn't exist well twinkle paw said what are you waiting for she said as the two headed to rebuild their perfect kingdom and that's how it was going to stay as the doors closed and for now Kate, Bucky, twinkle paw and the others were happy and safe and until further notice it seems as though that wasn't going to change 

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