Chapter 2: Tasks too many

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Kate and Bucky walked around the entire castle until General Jacques stopped they stopped right by the thrones General Jacques sat on Bucky's chair and he snarled he didn't like someone else in his royal chair General Jacques snapped his fingers well servants listen up I'm the one in charge I don't care about your titles to me they don't mean anything I expect my requests done quickly exactly how I expected it to be am I clear? Kate and Bucky swallowed the lumps in their throats he was rude and mean so my first request is fetch me my breakfast it is morning and I'm hungry the friends raced to the kitchen and made eggs, bacon, and hash browns with milk and trotted up the stairs to the General he inspected it you know I like my milk with ice in it do it over they rushed back to put ice in his milk and walked back upstairs the General spoke angrily I changed my mind I need orange juice the friends tired went down the stairs and got him orange juice General Jacques threw the juice all over the floor ENOUGH!!! I didn't ask for ice in my orange juice only my milk so stop doing what I didn't order you too you know your services are done let me eat in peace Kate and Bucky annoyed walked down the stairs I hate this guy he is so disrespectful his orders are too much for me to handle I agree Bucky said but we have too unless we want to give up on our friends Kate nodded yeah but we must do something Servants General Jacques screamed from upstairs the friends went up the stairs I'm done with my breakfast and I need to burn calories so carry me to the gym so I can exercise now Kate and Bucky lift the giant kangaroo and proceeded to walk down the stairs their heavy breath slowed them down Faster! Faster! I am late on schedule and behind I need to keep going Kate and Bucky ran as fast as they could they managed to make it to the Gym and the General hopped off Kate and Bucky collapsed come on get up you failed to bring me here on time and I'm behind on my writing Carry me to the office room Kate and Bucky rolled their eyes and trotted to the office area Kate and Bucky were sweating like stinky expired ham leaking out of the plastic styrofoam container now shut the door and let me write Kate and Bucky slammed the door and walked away. The friends had an hour break until General Jacques screamed again the friends stepped up the stairs and into the office oh good your here he said I'm hungry fetch me some food the friends walked to the kitchen and when they got there the friends stomachs growl they hadn't eaten since he visited and were starving so they had some food and went to give his food and when they got there his angrily attitude spoke what so you wanted to kill me let me die of starvation but sir we were hungry too they said the General spoke i don't care about you I want what i want and if you want to leave then give up your crowns and you and your pathetic followers can find a new place to rule Kate growled fine great high and majesty What do you wish we do for you well General Jacques thought for your punishment for being unjust and disrespectful I want you to clean and massage my feet General Jacques pulled his socks off which lead a vile odor coming from them they had held the throw up as they massaged his feet after they were done he ordered Kate and Bucky to fetch his suitcase so he could unpack Kate swallowed the lump in her throat um suitcase your Highly ol magesty General Jacques looked angrily than before you dare question your master he said one more strike and your castle is mine Kate spoke how do you even legally take my castle anyway the General spoke back if you must know smart allac pup before your parents bought it off a gamble I was going to turn it into a giant sales workshop with the castle attached and if you haven't heard from your royal advisor I'm staying the full 24 hours that includes night and I want to unpack now Kate and Bucky went down the stairs to retrieve the luggage and they ran into twinkle paw hey twinkle paw Kate said Twinkle paw sighed yeah I know I forgot to mention he was staying for the night I'm really sorry Kate couldn't be mad at her best friend for too long it's ok he's just a ungrateful jerk twinkle paw sighed yeah he can be I've seen it before he wants the luggage so we had to fetch it for him here you go to apologize for leaving that stuff out I guess adjusting to the royal life is difficult for a nomad wolf like me Kate smiled and then hugged twinkle paw as the friends head to give General Jacques his suitcase when they got there General Jacques was speaking on a walki talkie over the closed door so they decided to listen in I know Father give me time if I'm able to tire that rascal and her weak fur ball husband of hers I'll be able to accomplish my dream of that castle and the great sales workshop buy me a little more time we'll have that castle they are so clueless I'll be done in no time he hangs up and they hide behind a curved wall I can't believe it he was going to take our castle and leave us dry in the wild I've lost my home before never again Kate said out of determination and the friends got to thinking what could they do Kate thought and thought until she had an idea Bucky I'll need that suitcase Kate blasted the suitcase open and the suitcase fell the suitcase was relevantly empty besides a notepad and picture of Kate's parents Bucky looked through the notepad and found something hidden below its secretes it held a checklist which contained time slots he scrolled through to normal time 4:50 Buy supplies 5:55 lock those royal peasants in the chambers 6:30 win over the castle and ban everyone out Kate and Bucky had no time they must warn twinkle paw and their other friends Kate and Bucky race outside to warn Stryker and he along with lantern weren't there and Twinkle paw nowhere to be found they needed to think for themselves ok Bucky Kate said when he comes give it all you've got Bucky nodded General Jacques came by and the friends shoot at him his armor protected him what you thought you could stop me Kate looked at Bucky and Bucky nodded yes we did here's your suitcase the suitcase knocked him down and he got back up here's supper Kate through the banana peel under his foot and he slipped here's your drink Bucky hollared he poured the bucket of ice water all over him and here's your feet massage they both kicked him down and the munks took him to prison Kate walked and walked Bucky went another direction and Kate fell down a flight of stairs and bumped into a door this door had three paw prints ingrained into the stone could it be the key Kate put her hand on the smallest paw and the voice spoke welcome Princess Kate and the doors open to reveal a room full of books it was a secrete library and Kate thrilled walked in as the doors slam behind her and the books beyond the shelves are awaiting her 

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