Chapter 9: A friendly reunion

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Kate and Bucky walked around Merith's house and to her surprise it looked different the blue and gray walls were now pink and salmon The tile floor was now changed out with Bruce wood everything seemed to have changed since Kate lived in the castle Merith Kate asked you moved out Merith smiled yeah I did my parents became entrepreneurs so I got an apartment with Skyler a tall skinny man with messy blonde hair entered the room Skyler smiled hey your pet is back he picked Kate up and to her amusement she liked it his soft embrace made her feel safe so where have you been little fella you know I will say thank you you know from saving me from that nasty dragons control without you I probably wouldn't be here right now sharing my life with your best friend Kate smiled she was happy that someone appreciated her Skyler can you give us some time Skyler smiled of course I'll be upstairs so Kate what do you want to tell me Kate took a deep breath and began filling Merith in on everything that happened while they split up Merith took a deep breath do you guys know a cure Kate shook her head no we don't  while I was at a secret library I couldn't find anything like a map or a name for a cure we don't even know if they have one this curse could be inevitable Bucky Kate said this figure has a name the two looked facing eye contact his name is Unknown his parents are Lord Blazen and Queen candy corn they  had a shock on their faces but before they could answer Kate passed out The two friends tried to wake her up but no use she went limp what do we do Merith said she was worried for her friends safety I don't know Bucky said I'm worried about her they both sit facing Kate as they watch her moveless body hoping she wakes up. Kate looked around she was back the dark void that surrounded her she knew that her friends saw her fall and she hoped that would've never happened now they must be worried sick thinking she was dead and maybe she was slowly as the figure takes over her speaking of which where is Unknown didn't show up until laughter fled all corners unknown had appeared himself and appeared to have company you remember Buckshot right pup and my evil human friend Meredith she wanted to meet you Kate was beyond herself he had evil versions of her friends including the ones that are with her right now did he read her mind maybe so but how these were the questions that crossed her head unknown attacked he shot green fire out of his paws and shot them at Kate and she dodged them buckshot threw icicles at her and she dodged and Meredith shot shadowy green arrows at her Kate attacked and attacked but he never went down was he immortal silly wolf pup you can't escape me I'm all around you I'm the one who follows you everywhere you go I'm the owl in the night the stalker in the shadows you could try to hide but I'll come back each time unknown screeched Kate toppled back and used her power except this time it didn't work  this had happened before but not in the way he did it how many powers does he have how many evil versions of her friends does he have she was sweating more of her friends joined Stryker fall fame brunette  they all attacked at once the evil powers of each of her friends evil clones were coming out at her she dodged and whimpered she was getting tired how much longer would it take for him to wipe her out not long she presumed Meredith shot again the arrow hit her paw White pus came out of it Kate Howled in pain Unknown laughed her pain amused him as well as it disappointed him he wasn't having the perfect battle his parents had and this made him sad Kate waited for his next attack but instead a cloud of smoke flood the dark void and after the smoke cleared him and the others vanished out of sight and she as well started to diseapear and woke up Merith and Bucky helped her up they were so happy she was back Kate Bucky said what did he do Kate replied he has evil versions of our friends back home he is exactly like me like A parallel universe his parents died and they were evil mine died and they were heroes Merith and Bucky sighed in disbelief The Friends talked for hours catching up on all the different journeys they've had while apart and soon it was getting dark so Kate walked upstairs to Merith's room where skyler was waiting hello guys you are back Kate hopped in her old dog bed and Bucky scooted in with her they pulled the blanket over them and they fell asleep Merith got Into her pajamas and skyler did too and they to fell asleep as the day was over and they all drifted away. Morning arrived and all of them woke up they rushed down the stairs and to the kitchen where they had breakfast Kate an Bucky hopped off and went to talk alone what's bothering you Kate Bucky asked kate looked at him but didn't reply remember kate no more secrets Kate began to talk listen I feel like Merith is doing better without us maybe we should leave she has skyler and college and everything there's nothing left for them to do we all caught up with all our adventures and I just don't want Merith to get hurt Merith heard everything and held Kate in her arms she told Kate that she was ok and that skyler wanted to join as well Kate smiled well I guess the journey shall begin the Friends gathered off and they headed off on the Unknown lands of the unimaginable as they walk out of ground oaks city without looking back 

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