Chapter 9:The Queens Return to Their Thrones

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The next day, Kevon had Harvey drive her to school a little bit earlier than normal. She told him that she needed to study for her Biology quiz that day. After Harvey dropped her off, Kevon waved goodbye and strutted towards the school building. The cold morning air made her wrap her burberry scarf a bit tighter around her neck as she made her way up the stairs and inside. It was only 7:45 am, and barely any students had arrived yet. Suddenly, her phone chirped with a new text message from her mother.

It read: -Hi sweetie, hope your biology test goes well!

Kevon laughed to herself. There was no biology exam, she was meeting Tiffany early to discuss what had happened with Josh, and to also discuss the Yoshanda problem. Suddenly, Kevon heard a bubbly voice behind her.

"Kevon!" It was Tiffany. "Wow, there's like nobody here!"

Kevon smiled. It was prime gossip time.

The pair sat in the lounge section of the bistro and talked until the first period bell rang.

Kevon filled Tiffany in on what had happened with Josh.

"Kev! He is soo into you! You should go with him!"

Kevon pretended to be annoyed, and rolled her eyes. "You know I like Logan, he's so popular and umm... cool and cute!" She could feel her cheeks turn red, and took a sip of water from her swarovski crystal covered Swell water bottle to hide them. Tiffany raised one eyebrow at Kevon's unusually shy gesture , but then nodded.

"Yeah, Logan is the most popular boy in his school, it would be amazing for your Queen Bee status to be with him, can you imagine how many girls would be jealous??"

Kevon smiled at the very thought. She loved it when people were jealous of her. It was that special feeling that is so rare in life. Some people like to make people laugh, others like to help people, but for Kevon, making people jealous gave her the most joy. Suddenly, Yoshanda appeared at their side, but Tara and Michelle were nowhere in sight.

"You guys are despicable!!" She hissed. Kevon gasped, noticing that Yoshanda was wearing very expensive clothing. A cashmere sweater, tailored jeans, and real gucci loafers! How could she afford them?

"Not as despicable as YOU!!" Tiffany sneered, standing up to face Yoshanda's face. (which was still a bit red from the spa treatments.) Kevon stood as well, and placed her hands on her hips.

"Yoshanda, what is your issue??" She hissed, flicking her professionally straightened auburn hair.

Kevon and Tiffany shared a look then burst out laughing. Yoshanda's face turned even more red.

"Yoshanda..." Kevon said quizzically, batting her lashes. "Did we invite you to our B.B.Q?"

Yoshanda looked confused. "No... I don't think so?"

Kevon smirked. "Then why are you all up in our grills?" Tiffany snorted and high-fived Kevon.

Yoshanda looked down. "I don't have time for this." She stood a bit straighter and looked Kevon straight in the eyes. "Gotta go, I have to talk to Logan about something really important." She winked and laughed before walking away.

Kevon's jaw dropped. "WHAT?" She exclaimed, looking at Tiffany.

"Don't worry Kevon, I'm sure she's just trying to rile you up. Why would Logan go for her anyways? She's like... not as hot as you and barely anyone knows who she is!"

This made Kevon feel a bit better, Tiffany was right, Yoshanda was not as hot as her.

"Thanks Tiff, I appreciate it." She smiled a heartfelt smile, and off they went to biology class.

During lunch, Tiffany and Kevon were pleased to notice that all of the eternal wanna-bees were no longer interested in the "Princess Butterflies", and instead they flocked around the real Queen Bees.

"Kevon, where did you get your scarf?" One 7th grader asked in awe. Kevon smiled.

"It's from Burberry, but it's vintage so don't start to think you can get your dirty little hands on one of these babies!" Kevon teased. The 7th grader smiled, clearly embarrassed, and walked away with her mousy-haired friend.

"Tiffany, do you get your lips filled??" A red headed 8th grader with braces asked. Tiffany snorted. "God... no! Who do you think I am? These are au natural!!"

Kevon stifled a laugh, that was a lie, Tiffany got lip fillers every Wednesday afternoon. More and more students asked questions, and some even asked for autographs. While signing one girl's printed Instagram picture of herself with a tube of lipstick, Kevon noticed Yoshanda, Tara, and Michelle sitting together in the corner by the garbage can. Tiffany noticed Kevon's gaze.

"See?" She whispered, "Karma is real." Kevon nodded, then thought about what Yoshanda had said about Logan, she sure hoped it was.

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