Chapter 4: Boys-R-Us

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Kevon stood with her teeth chattering in front of her school. Where was her driver, Harvey? He was never late. Tiffany was just getting into the luxe Bentley her parents had sent for her. Kevon was furious. How dare Harvey embarrass her like this.

"Bye Tiffany! See you tomorrow for our Spa day!" Kevon exclaimed, looking cool and collected as always.

"Are you sure you don't need a ride Kevon?" inquired Tiffany.

Kevon groaned inwardly "No, Harvey is right around the corner!" She wrapped her arms around her thin sweater as Tiffany sped off. She heard her phone ding, and pulled it out to check.

To her surprise, it was a message from Yoshanda, not Harvey

-Kevon, the text read, I am sick and tired of you treating people who you think are beneath you like trash. I am leaving the Queen Bee's effective immediately and being friends with Tara and Michelle. They are always kind, even if they aren't as rich as you. And you're right, people should be friends with people who are their own station. I'm tired of hiding my scholarship from you.

Kevon raised one expertly filled in eyebrow. She was shocked, she had no idea Yoshanda had a scholarship! All of the sudden, all of the times Yosh had refused to host sleepovers, or "lost her credit card" so Kevon had to pay made so much more sense. But sending only this incredibly rude text message to end years of friendship? Kevon felt tears start to prick in her wide hazel eyes.

Another text appeared on her home screen, this time from her mother.

-Kevon dear, please don't be too upset at Harvey. I had him running errands for me this afternoon, and he should be there shortly.

As she had hoped, Logan was standing out front with his crew of guys, including Josh. Logan was the most popular guy in school, as he was the captain of the lacrosse team.

The guys looked up in surprise as she approached.

"Uh hey Biley" Smiled Josh, "Long time no see!"

Kevon smiled back at him before remembering who she had come to see. She turned towards Logan and fluttered her lashes.

"Hey guys, my driver was late today so I came to see if anyone was still here to talk to!"

All the boys smiled at her and she felt immediately better. Involuntarily though, her teeth started chattering.

"Hey Kevon are you okay?" Asked Logan.

"You can have my hoodie, I'm still warm from practice" Chimed Josh. Kevon gratefully took the sweater from him and draped it delicately over her shoulders. It smelled like boy, and she liked it.

"Thanks so much, I really hope my driver gets here soon!" Kevon exclaimed. She looked around and sure enough, Harvey was pulling into the long driveway. As he opened the door for her, Kevon turned around to smile at Logan, but instead caught Josh's green eyes. She hopped into the backseat, and Harvey closed the door behind her.

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