Chapter 15: Justice is a Dish Best Served Hot

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"Wow Harvey!" Kevon exclaimed, eyeing up the sleek black mercedes limousine sitting in the driveway.

"I thought you girls deserved a 5 star ride." Harvey said, opening the doors for the girls. Once inside, Kevon watched Yoshanda get into her mom's ford and drive away. It was too bad she couldn't enjoy this ride with them, but what had to be done had to be done. The limo was decked out with a gold mini fridge, stocked with Perrier, Diet Coke, non-alcoholic champagne, and fresh fruit. The girls excitedly picked out their drinks and blasted Britney Spears and Taylor Swift music on the way.

"I can't wait to see what those wanna-bees have coming for them tonight!" Exclaimed Tiffany, adjusting the straps on her dress.

"It will be ah-mazingly evil!" Kevon chimed, taking a sip of her Perrier water.

The girls raised their drinks and clinked them together, it was showtime.

The dance was held at St. Jacob's conference hall. It had a lavish grandeur much like the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. Beautiful frescoes adorned the ceiling and the room was lined with gilded statues and shiny mirrors. For the dance, a temporary dry bar had been set up at the far end of the room which served any drink that could be made virgin.

At the side of the room was a stage with gold curtains and a microphone. This was where they would announce the winner of the King and Queen of the dance. Kevon beamed inside. She knew she would win, and this was where the war would end, and her victory would become known to the entire world of St. Jacob's and St. Clarices.

"Okay ladies, now let's get in slime-ation" Kevon muttered to herself, looking around for Tiffany. From behind her, a large screech emanated from the doorway as two girls walked in wearing the same dress!

Kevon took this time to execute her plan. She scurried away as fast as her Louboutins could take her to behind the stage, where she found Tiffany with a bucket full of lard.

"Eh-magawd!" Kevon squeeled, "you actually found lard!"

Tiffany nodded, "yes I snuck into the kitchen here!" She snickered. Kevon handed Tiffany a pink USB stick entitled "Proof" that Yoshanda had given her.

Suddenly, an announcement came from the stage.

"It's time to announce the Dance King and Queen titles!"

Kevon gasped, it was go time!

"Gotta go Tiff, good luck!" She hugged her friend before running back to the dance floor, and turned towards the stage where a teacher walked up with cards in her hands.

"Thank you all for being here tonight" she said, flicking her grey but stylish hair behind her shoulders. "It is my pleasure to announce the winners of the King and Queen!"

Kevon crossed her fingers. The teacher pulled out the first card from the golden envelope.

"The winner of the Dance King is...Logan White!"

Kevon wasn't surprised. He was captain of the lacrosse team after all. Logan ran up to the stage and the teacher placed a silver crown encrusted with diamond snowflakes on his mess of blonde hair. Everyone cheered.

"That's my baby!!" Kevon heard Yoshanda scream from the crowd. She was with Tara and Michelle, who were wearing the most ugly dresses ever. They looked so trashy, as if they had found their dresses from the clearance section of Forever 21.

Michelle was wearing an odd-fitting silver dress which had a gross extra piece of fabric dangling near her badly waxed legs.

Tara was wearing a sequined ombre body-con dress that was far too tight for her curvy figure.

Kevon stifled a laugh, they were making it so easy to be hated!

She redirected her attention to the stage where the teacher was getting ready to call the winner of the Dance Queen.

"And the winner of the Queen is..." Kevon closed her eyes.

"Yoshanda Greene!"

Kevon gasped again. Yoshanda???? Yoshanda looked shocked as well, she met Kevon's eye with an apologetic look and made her way up the stairs onto the stage. Kevon sighed, for some reason she wasn't too angry at this, Yosanda was her friend after all.

Kevon smiled and cheered her friend on with the crowd, she could see Tara and Michelle whispering and pointing at her. 'Games' over bitches.' Kevon thought diabolically, luckily Yoshanda knew the details of the plan and could execute it as well. Yoshanda beamed as the teacher carefully placed the beautiful crystal crown onto her head.

Yoshanda looked around and grabbed the microphone as soon as the teacher left the stage. Kevon smiled, it was time.

Logan stood by Yoshanda's side and smiled at the crowd.

"Thank you so much everyone," Yoshanda started, "I'm so grateful for this prize." She paused. "I want to invite my best friends Tara and Michelle up here too." The crowd applauded as Tara and Michelle self-consciously made their way up on the stage.

"I want to thank these two, without them I wouldn't be Queen." Yoshanda continued, smiling at the girls. They looked like the ugly sisters from Shrek with their extreme and harsh makeup.

"So I made a little presentation to thank them." She motioned towards a screen on the stage.

Suddenly, the lights went dim and pictures of Yoshanda, Tara, and Michelle started playing on the screen with music from The Shining soundtrack. The crowd groaned and looked confused. Tara and Michelle giggled uncomfortably.

Suddenly, the music stopped and the voices of Tara, Michelle, and Yoshanda began playing.

"You will do what we say!!" hissed Tara's voice. "Stop hanging out with Kevon and Tiffany, or we'll tell everyone about you and Logan!!" Logan gasped and glared at Tara. Tara looked down at her hideous shoes.

The voices continued, "What? Please no, you guys can't blackmail me!" whined Yoshanda's voice.

"Yes we can." Michelle's voice chimed in. "Stop hanging out with those bitches or we'll tell." The tape stopped and the lights went back on. The crowd booed at Tara and Michelle, and suddenly massive amounts of lard fell onto them from the ceiling. The girls screamed and cried and ran off the stage.

The entire crowd roared with laughter, and Kevon and Tiffany joined Yoshanda and Logan on the stage. Kevon took the mic.

"So now you can all see what fake and manipulative bi-atches they truly are!!!" She exclaimed.

The crowd cheered them on. Kevon beamed with joy, finally justice had been served. As she scanned out over the crowd, she caught Josh's eye as he turned and left the hall. 

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