Chapter 11: Mission Impossible

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That night, Kevon had the strangest dream. She was at the school dance with Josh and Yoshanda stole him away too! When Kevon awoke, she tried to shake Josh out of her head, but throughout the entire day she couldn't help but think of him. This was a strange feeling to Kevon, usually she only thought about herself! Or shopping! She barely even thought about Logan unless it was about popularity.

"What is going on with me." Kevon thought out loud that morning while twirling her spoon around in her high fibre gluten free and sugar free muesli.

"What's the matter darling?" Her mother asked from the kitchen. Kevon sighed.

"Just boy troubles." She answered, "I could barely sleep last night."

Her mother laughed.

"Kevon, don't worry about those silly boys from the school across the road, emotions will get you nowhere in life. Only money will, so find a boy who has a very rich and old family, that's why I married your father! And look how happy we are!" She tried to smile but her botoxed cheeks would only go so high.

Kevon let out an agitated exhale.

"Mother, you're not helping." She dumped the rest of her cereal in the garbage and stomped upstairs into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Once at school, Kevon found Tiffany by her locker on the phone to her lip-filler person.

"Yes, the Kylie Jenner special as per usual please" Tiffany said. "Okay see you this afternoon, bye!" Tiffany put her phone into her Chanel purse.

"Hey girl!" She chimed.

"We're skipping school today." Kevon said, smirking. Tiffany's eyes went wide.

"Yay! I didn't feel like writing that English test anyways. What are we doing? Going shopping?"

"No we need to work on operation SLFY! Don't you remember??" Kevon hissed.

"Right! How are we gonna do that?" Tiffany asked.

"You'll see!" Kevon chuckled. "But it won't be pretty."

Kevon pulled out a sheet of paper from her Louis Vuitton bag. It had a detailed list of "missions" on it.

"First," Kevon started, "we steal Yoshanda's phone." She pointed to the first mission on the list. Tiffany smiled. "Then what?"

Kevon pointed to the second mission. "We text Logan from her phone breaking up with him! So simple but so effective!" She chimed.

Tiffany smiled again. "Love it! So exciting! It's like we're spies or secret agents." She said, twirling her hair.

Kevon beamed. She loved it when people gave her praise for all of her hard work. Sure, Tiffany could be a bit dumb sometimes, but her praise was worth a lot to Kevon.

At that moment, the first bell rang. Kevon and Tiffany ran into the nearest bathroom so they wouldn't be caught by a teacher.

"So..." Tiffany started, "how exactly are we going to steal Yoshanda's phone? She's on it all the time." Kevon blanked. Why hadn't she thought of that??

"Um, well..." suddenly and miraculously, Yoshanda strolled into the bathroom, humming a Harry Styles song. Tiffany and Kevon squealed and ran into a stall just in time and closed the door, peering through the cracks. They watched Yoshanda check her makeup and make a weird face in the mirror. Kevon had to stifle a laugh at the sight. Then, Yoshanda looked around and left her fake Celine bag on the bathroom counter before going into a stall. Kevon and Tiffany dashed out of their stall and quietly rummaged through her bag, grabbing Yoshanda's Iphone 7 and sprinting out of the bathroom, down the hall and out of the school.

Once at the Starbucks across the street, Kevon and Tiffany brainstormed the text they would send to Logan.

They finally decided on: "Logan, I'm sorry but we need to break up. I love my pool boy, Mario, not you. Please never talk to me again and if I act like I still like you, please ignore me and walk away. Sincerely, Yoshanda." Kevon and Tiffany giggled as Kevon pressed the send button. She then deleted the message off the phone to clear the evidence and got up and gave the phone to a barista. "I found this phone on a table!" Kevon explained, the barista took it and said she'd put it in the lost and found. Kevon sat down again and lifted her grande skinny vanilla latte, "to victory!!" Tiffany raised her matcha tea and chimed in. "To victory!" A familiar face caught the corner of Kevon's eye. Outside of the Starbucks were Josh and Logan. Logan looked sad and Josh was trying to comfort him. Kevon felt a strange pain in her stomach that she had never felt before.

"Oh my gosh!" Tiffany cried. "He must have read the text right now!"

Kevon nodded. "Good, now he can ask me out instead!" She smiled, but something didn't feel quite right and her smile turned into a grimace.

"What's wrong?" Tiffany asked, concerned.

"Oh nothing! I'm just so happy!" Kevon lied, she rested her face in her hands and solemnly watched Logan and Josh walk down the street to the boys school. Suddenly, Josh turned around and caught Kevon's eye. Kevon looked away in shame and Josh disappeared down the street.

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