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《 Dwarf's Mine - Interior 》

"Leave...! Leave! Leave!! LEAVE!!!!" The monster growled out as it swatted Deuce away with it's lantern. "GWAH!!"

I flinched away as the mines shook and some rubble fell due to the impact. "Holy shit!" I cried out in fear.

"Tsk. Mr. Serious should stand back! I'll take care of this! HAH!" Ace summons his wind magic but before the spell could land, he was K.O.ed too!

"Fungyaaaa!!! Don't come near me!" Grim spews out fire in defense.

But the attack did nothing and only made it growl, "GRRRRRRR..."

"Grim...! You're angering him!" I exclaimed. I then notice something shining at the corner of my eye, and it seems the others noticed too. "Behind him! There's something shining..." "Is that...A magic stone!?"

"OAAAAAAAHHHHHH! ZTONE WON'T GIBE!!!" The monster cries out, scaring us all. "Oi, Azuma! Let's run! If this keeps up we're all gonna die!!!" Grim yelled out. "Let's move it guys! Go! Go! Go!" I said as I helped Ace and Deuce up. As we ran, we head the monster roar.


《 Dwarf's Mine - Silent Woods 》

"Hah...I think we're fine. Is this far enough?" Grim pants as we all stopped near where we started. "It hurts...What was that!? No one said anything about that!" Ace cried out as he winced in pain. "It didn't look like an ordinary ghost..." Deuce muttered in between breaths.

"Let's just give up and go home. I'd rather be expelled than to fight that thing." Ace sighed as he leaned onto a tree.

"Hah!? Don't mess with me! I'd rather die than to get expelled! That magic stone is right in front of us and you wanna go home!?" Deuce suddenly yelled, surprising me.

"Ha. Your magic sucks waaaay more than mine. If you wanna go then go on your own, I'm out." Ace had both his hands up in surrender. "OOOH! I see it then! Then stay there shivering in fear like a spineless coward!" Deuce spat. "Hah!? Coward? Who're you saying that to?" Ace asks in a snarky tone.

"H-Hey Deuce...I feel like your character changed y'know?" Grim finally decides to break the ice between them. Deuce's eyes widened in shock before clearing his throat, "Ah! Ahem...Sorry, I lost my cool a bit."

"Y'know...Your magic is kinda small from what I was expecting." I quickly change the topic. "Large scale and complex magic requires a lot of training to be done." Deuce quickly explains. "That's why there's a magic school. Duh!" Ace added.

"Huh...Makes sense. We seem to be in the early game so we're like a starter party." I mutter, somewhat deep in thought. 'I guess I didn't take the time to actually learn the rules of this world and think about it...'

"Anyway, I want to try to defeat that thing and bring the magic stone back." Deuce declared.

"However, judging on the chandelier incident, you're a complete idiot. You couldn't land a single hit earlier and now you're gonna try to defeat that thing? It'll end up the same anyway..." "Come again...!? You think..."

"Here they go again..." Grim rolls his eyes.

"All you can do is summon cauldrons!"
"Well, your aim sucks!"

"oh for fuck sake...STOP IT!" I yelled out, the two idiots were now silent. "I really didn't want to be here. I could've stayed in my room playing video games or sleep but no...I'm here with you three idiots!" I yelled out in frustration.

[ A/N: Very old drawing I made of Azuma but this is what they generally look like (the eyes got a change of color though) ]

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[ A/N: Very old drawing I made of Azuma but this is what they generally look like (the eyes got a change of color though) ]

"Uwah! Why'd you yell all of a sudden, Azuma!?" Grim yelped. "Sorry...I'm tired of all this not only because it's late but also, we're not making any progress..." I let out a heavy sigh before saying the most cliché idea every protagonist has...

"We should work together."

"Ha! That's a stupid idea. I can't believe you said that so seriously." Ace barked out a laugh. "I agree. I can't work with someone like him." Deuce stated. "Ugh...!" I groan in frustration. "But...I think it's lamer being expelled on the first day of school."

I turn to Grim in disbelief, "D-Did Grim just say something smart...?" I let out a dramatic gasp. "I'm serious yanno!" Grim huffed.

Crickets chirped in the background as we waited for their decision.

Ace lets out a heavy sigh, "Fine. Let's just get this over with! So, what's the plan?"

I take a nearby stick and quickly drew out our plan on the ground. "Okay so we're gonna do a classic distraction meneuver. Grim and I will let the monster out. After that, Grim will spew flames which Ace will strengthen with Garu-"

"What's Garu?" Deuce asks in confusion.
"Its wind but it sounds cooler." I quickly explain.

"Anyway! Once he monster is weak enough Deuce is gonna BONK it with cauldrons! Then we head in and get the crystal. BOOM! Done!" I proudly stood up before turning to them, "Any questions? None? Good! Operation: Steal the Magic Crystal, GO!!!"

𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭 || Shattered GlassWhere stories live. Discover now