Welcome and Author's Note

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I'm so excited to welcome you to my next full-length Ranger's Apprentice fanfiction novel, The Fires of Esus! 

Quarantine has inspired me to write this, along with recently rereading the entire Ranger's Apprentice series in about five days (oops) and being reminded of how much I love it. I was struck with the concept of this story tonight, June 11th, and I went from no idea of what I was going to write to an entire book plot almost instantly. I story-boarded the whole thing in about two hours and did some serious research into... lots of things I can't tell you about yet, but I promise it's going to be fantastic! This will probably be the last book in my series of fanfictions, and I'm designing it to fit perfectly into the beginning of The Royal Ranger... well, not perfectly, but it'll fill the gap between books 11 and 12 nicely. Sorry, I can't spoil my own book in the author's note. You'll see. 

Some housekeeping before we get to the good stuff:

THIS IS NOT THE FIRST BOOK IN THE SERIES. This can be read as a standalone if you really want to, but keep in mind that I will be integrating some things that happened in previous books I wrote, and I will include events or references to the original RA books frequently. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE ORIGINAL RANGER'S APPRENTICE SERIES AND MY OTHER FANFICTIONS, I RECOMMEND YOU GO START THERE. I promise it's worth your time, and everything will make more sense. But if you'd prefer to start here, I won't stop you. Happy reading!

Content Warning: There will be references to an ancient religion in this book. Remember: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. I am not an expert in this religion, nor am I a believer or a follower. I am keeping almost everything accurate to what history says is true, like the names of various gods and goddesses, but if something is not completely factual, this is not meant to be disrespectful to the religion. The world that I write in, the world John Flanagan created, is not real, so neither is this version of the religion. Anything I write here does not reflect the true ancient doctrine; it is only an imitation of it designed to fit into the RA world and the plot I create. 

All rights reserved. Don't steal my writing. Enough said. 

Thanks for being here, and I hope you enjoy The Fires of Esus! 


Just after life has settled down for Will and Halt, a petty band of arsonists start attacking villages in southern Araluen, drawing the entire kingdom's attention. When the King of Celtica visits Redmont, they discover these fire-starters are much more magical, more sacred, more twisted, and more deadly than they seem. It is up to Will, Halt, Alyss, Pauline, Gilan, and Horace to stop them from destroying everything they love, to rescue Celtica and Araluen from a powerful, spiritual threat, and to protect themselves as everything burns down around them.


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