Chapter 28: Darling, I Know

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Even after a day, Will remembered very little about what had happened after Athol's death.

He knew that he had been taken to an infirmary, where they had given him a proper pain medication, not derived from warmweed, of course. They had also cleaned and dressed his burn, giving him a sling for his sore arm and told him not to use his arm too heavily until the burn had sealed up.

Famous last words, as usual. The following morning, after a restless and pain-filled sleep in the castle with Alyss, Gilan assigned him to the task force riding that same day to apprehend Lewellyn and the rest of the tribe of Esus. Gilan had no choice but to send him, and Will had no choice but to go. He had visited the camp and knew Lewellyn and the others better than anyone, except Horace, of course.

But Horace had returned to Castle Araluen. With the immediate threat of Athol's plot reduced, he had been called back immediately to aid Cassandra, who was struggling to run the kingdom and care for her ailing father. Not to mention Maddie, who was becoming more and more of a handful every day.

"I'm sorry, Will, I wish I could stay and come with you. But Cassie needs me, and Maddie needs me."

Will had only nodded, his face set in stone, refusing to show his disappointment.

"You and I both saw it, none of those druids are fighters. With the Celtic guards all back under the King's control, and Athol dead, there's no one left to fight. And let's face it, Will. I'm great in a fight, and I'm great in a battle. But sneaking around, negotiating, making plans? That's your thing."

Will nodded again, but gave Horace a faint smile. "I understand, Horace, I really do. And don't sell yourself short. If you were able to come, I'd value your skills no matter what."

"I know."

Horace had ridden out that morning. He was long gone.

But so was Will. And Alyss. And the King of Celtica.

King Carr, his business finished in Araluen, and his assassin murdered, felt it was necessary to return to Celtica at once, and had requested the leave that very same morning. But because of the sudden upheaval, he wanted a small Araluen escort to take him south, around the Solitary Plains, and to leave him at the northern border of Celtica. It was mostly for added security, since Lewellyn and the rest of the druids were still in Araluen, and it was partially a negotiation, a request to keep the peace between the two countries.

Tensions were high after the events of the last few days, understandably, since there were more than a few buildings burned to ashes and too many lives lost to the flames, all of which endangered the treaty. Cassandra, with the advice of Will and Horace, had agreed to uphold the treaty, so long as the King got the druids under control and didn't allow them to come back to Araluen. The King agreed quite readily, and was granted his official Araluen escort to aid in these tasks.

The first person to be assigned to it, to no one's surprise, was Will. The King had requested him by name.

The second was Alyss.

This was not only an opportunity for Will to find Lewellyn and chase her and the other druids out of Araluen, protecting the King in the process, but it was also for Alyss to serve as the official representative of the royal throne of Araluen, to rework some lines of the treaty with the King as they journeyed toward his home. Alyss would also serve as Cassandra's eyes and ears to make sure that everything was going according to how they had agreed. She would report back directly to Cassandra and Horace with everything that happened, making sure that the King would hold true to his word.

Will had held his tongue as Pauline and Cassandra had assigned her the mission. He ignored the hopeful glance from Cassandra, as if he should be thankful Alyss was accompanying him to Celtica instead of being stuck alone here in the castle again. He was thankful she wouldn't be alone. But he was also worried that something would go wrong, and he didn't want Alyss to get stuck in the middle. Not like this last time, where she had nearly died.

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