Chapter 15: Murderers

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"Why do they want to kill him? Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you are involved. You know the Ranger the King spoke with, and that means you are one of the few people here who fully understands the situation for what it really is." The man was acting as though she should know exactly what he was talking about without saying anything directly, which served as a very confusing premise for a conversation. Alyss had no idea if she was thinking about the same thing he was. Was this about the druids, the King's secrets, the magic, or something else entirely?

"I'm quite sure I don't. Who are you, and what side are you on?" She took a step back from him, her head spinning as she tried to sort through everything he was subtly referencing. It was too much ambiguity and a severe lack of factual information. There was no wrapping her head around it.

"Please, my lady, my name is Athol. I'm one of the King's advisors, I want to help him. I'm on King Carr's side, Celtica's side." He was practically begging her, his hands raised in surrender and his eyes wide and pleading. "I'm telling you because I have heard about you and others in your group, like Sir Horace and Ranger Halt. I've heard tales from the villagers about the amazing things you and your husband have done for your own country and others."

Alyss raised her brow. He's laying it on thick, and I still have no idea what he actually wants. "I'm flattered, but you still haven't answered my question. Why are you telling me this?"

"The King refuses to tell me what he told Ranger Will. I'm not sure how much information he shared, but I need to know in order to save him." He wrung his hands in front of him, his tone lowering even further to just above a whisper. "I can't protect him alone here in a foreign country. I need allies that are willing to help me save him."

Alyss was still frowning. He was being too vague, and she had been told by Will that the King had told him not to tell anyone. "Protect him from who? Who are these rebels?"

His eyes darted back and forth at a nervous pace, his hands twiddling with the bottom of his green tunic. Drops of sweat were trickling from his curls of dark hair down his temples now. He looked close to fainting. "Please, I can't say here, but help me, my Lady. I must save my King."

Alyss glanced around for a brief moment. They still stood in the center of the courtyard, with plenty of servants, nobles, and townsfolk building around them. She knew he wouldn't dare do anything to her out here with so many witnesses, so she knew she was safe for the time being. But she remembered Will's warning to not take too many risks. If she wasn't careful, this could turn bad quickly, and she didn't know if she was willing to risk that.

Alyss was a careful, thoughtful person. She never did anything without thinking through every possibility, comparing it to others, before finding the most efficient option and then committing to it. Sometimes she would talk them through with Will or Pauline, the two people she most trusted to give her good advice. But most of the time, she figured everything out for herself and was proud when she did. She liked to feel confident in her decisions and celebrate excellent results. It made her feel accomplished, like she deserved the job she had and that she was capable of doing it better than anyone else. It made her feel useful, valuable, and respected.

Here was a difficult decision, where she could not be confident or have any chance of predicting the outcome. And something felt wrong about this, about everything. This man seemed harmless enough for now, but there was something lurking just over her shoulder that she could never spot. Someone was lying.

Alyss knew Cassandra would want to hear about this. "If I choose to help you, will you let me tell Princess Cassandra and allow them to launch an official investigation? They can protect the King much better than I can alone." Regardless of his answer, I'll be telling Cassandra immediately. Maybe even Halt and Pauline before her. 

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