Chapter 18: Keep Your Pants On, Please

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By the time the sun had set and the forest had gone dim, Will and Horace finally spotted a camp. That was one benefit of the impending darkness—unsuspecting druids, cold from the constant drizzle and their soaked clothes, would set fires and leave telltale smoke trails in the air. Trails that Will could spot quickly, and follow even more easily. His eyes traced the gray blur in the dim dark blue sky, fading from the purple and orange it was as the sun disappeared. He knew this area better than anyone, he had been the assigned Ranger of Redmont and a resident for the majority of his life. There were no towns or settlements where the smoke was. Not even a farm, as far as he could remember.

"They're damn lucky," Horace grumbled to Will's left. "I've been freezing all day and you don't have to remind me that we can't start our own fire."

Will, still peering up at the smoke, only shrugged. "Well dry out under the trees. It's all we can do, we can't afford for them to suspect anyone has found them."

"For all they know, we could just be a hunter or a random farmer camping in the woods," Horace grumbled as he poured a sizeable amount of water out of his boot. "Are you sure we can't light just one tiny little fire? My underwear could really do with some drying."

Will visibly retched. "I'm sure. Keep your pants on, please."

"Yes, sir," Horace snickered as water trickled out of his other boot.

They were sitting on the ground now, gearing up to approach the camp. They were leaving Tug and Kicker to hide in the trees, and Will adjusted his quiver over his sticky wet tunic one final time. The rain had let up by now, but the forest was still freshly soaked in the rain. It made the air smell wonderful and clean, but the dampness prevented their clothes or belongings from drying. His clothes stuck to him, and his cloak hung heavily around his neck and shoulders like a weight. His hair was just starting to dry in messy chunks, and Horace was still shivering under his chainmail.

They squelched through the damp leaves, avoiding deep puddles as Will tried to lead Horace along a quiet route. He helped him avoid the sticks and dry leaves that could crackle and give away their presence. And thankfully, he noticed, Horace had learned a little something in his years of knighthood and partnership with Rangers. In his youth, he had lumbered through forests, louder than a bear twice his size. Will smiled slightly in the cowl of his hood at the memory of Horace stomping through the woods in Celtica all those years ago during their apprenticeship. Now, he walked slowly and quietly, only making a few accidental noises here and there. Definitely not up to the Ranger standard, but not something to scoff at, especially for a knight.

They ducked through the trees as they approached the camp. The light from the fire they lit was drawing closer, the shadows becoming longer and sharper, and the smell of wood smoke and the soft murmurs of the people hummed in the distance.

Will signaled for Horace to stop as they found a particularly large patch of cover behind several trees. As he joined him, Will whispered, "I'm going to get closer, stay here, and only follow me in if something goes wrong. Otherwise, I'll come back to get you soon."

He nodded. "Be careful."

Will slipped out from behind the trees, and to Horace, he disappeared from view instantly, leaving him alone in the dark, with shadows dancing all around him from the distant flames.

With all the talk of fires and spirits, this was not the situation Horace wanted to be left alone in.

Will, more comfortable in darkness than Horace, had made quick work of the last few hundred meters to the edge of the camp. He tucked himself into the side of a tree with an excellent vantage point between two branches and observed.

The Fires of Esus - Ranger's ApprenticeWhere stories live. Discover now