Trisha lay in a coma on life support, her parents crying near her hospital bed. Time was running out and the decision to discontinue the life support was being discussed. But unknown to her family and doctors she wasn't dead, but trapped inside, ins...
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Mike awoke with a smile on his face, the kiss goodnight still on his mind. "Oh, man! Why do I need to wake up?" He pulled the pillow over his head and tried to go back to sleep, but sleep would not come. Then he thought about the lake. He hadn't had a reason to smile in a long time, and he wanted to hold on to this feeling. But then he remembered what Trisha had told them about the life support. He had a mission to accomplish. He would find her and somehow keep her parents from turning off that machine. And he only had until? He didn't know how long he had, but he wouldn't be late.
He grabbed his iPad and sat back on the bed. Then searched for Montana news articles. He typed in teenage car accidents for Friday night. The search said, "About 11,100,000 results". Refining his search, he added everything he knows. "16-year-old boy and 16-year-old girl. High desert. Montana. Friday night." The search came back with another ridiculous amount of search results. "Dammit this will take forever!" He yelled throwing his head back and hitting it on the headboard. Thinking for a second about what Montana looked like he imaged all that he had seen in magazines, on television and thought it looked like forest and mountains. "I never heard of a desert in Montana?" Quickly he searched, "Montana High Desert."
"The high mountain desert of the Pipestone/Homestake Pass area is an hour's drive west of Bozeman. Part of the Boulder Batholith, a granite area 75 miles long by about 25 miles wide, the low elevations on the east side are protected from precipitation by a storm shadow for the bulk of the winter.May 2, 2011." He read from the Google search engine.
"Okay, lets try adding Bozeman teenage drag racing accidents for Friday night." The search result came back, and he browsed down to the third result and read, "July 22, 2019 ... 16-year-old Steven K. Must of Bozeman died in that crash. ... 16-year-old girl in a coma on life support - with more, here is WGNS' Ron ... Special Kids Collecting Goods for Tennessee Storm Victims Ahead of 2019 Race ... Drag Racing, Police Chase, Teens Arrested."
Mike jumped to his feet with his iPad reading it repeatedly. "That has to be her!" He opened the article and read. It wouldn't give the girls name or any information other than she was 16 and a student at Central Bozeman High School. But it also said she was in a coma on life support. "It has to be her! It has to be!"
Now what was he going to do? He still didn't know for sure if it was her. "All right. Lets search hospitals in Bozeman." The result showed, "Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital. 915 Highland Blvd. Bozeman, MT." He found the phone number and called asking for his friend Trisha's room, and that she was in a coma from Friday night's accident.
The receptionist transferred him to intensive care, where he once again asked the nurses station, "I'm looking for my friend Trisha's room. She is in a coma from Friday night's car accident. I'd like to talk to her parents, please.
"Are you a family member?" The receptionist asked.
"No, I'm a friend of Trisha's. I really need to..." He started.