Chapter 2

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***Ash Pov***

I watched her walk away her head down. Does she like me?

"Hey what where you doing talking to her," Trevor asked.

"Don't worry about it," I said.

Walking into first period I take a seat in the very back. I hate math. I slide my phone out and pull up Instagram. I slide threw the photos until one posted by Danny_loves_archery caught my eyes.

It was her and Lisa in pe. The lighting caught her blue eyes just right and her dark chocolate hair pulled to one side. She wasn't bad looking. Neither was her friend Lisa, but I'm not into sluts.

I double tapped the picture and continued scrolling.

***Danny Pov***

Walking on the track for pe my phone buzzes. I pull it out of my pocket and read a notification sayin "Ash_7040 has liked your picture".

Why was Ash liking a picture of me and Lisa? He only likes the funny quotes and crap I put up. Or is he looking at Lisa not me. Most likely.

"Hey who's liked our picture yet" Lisa asked walking next to me.

"Just Jenny and Ash," I said.

"Ash! I didn't know you where following him," she squealed.

Another notification popped up but this one said, "Ash_7040 is now following you".

As we continued walking Lisa was goin on and on about how she should of popped her tits out more. From the corner of my eyes I could she she was playing with them and perking them out of her pe shirt.

But I was thinking about other stuff. What if he wasn't looking at Lisa. But what if it was an accident or one of his friends stole his phone. Whatever.

***Ash Pov***

Lunch was around the corner and I was starving. The final bell rings and I dash out the classroom door and get in line for some pizza.

I go to the bench under the tree where me and all my friends hang out. Trevor, Zack, and Sami.

Trevor I've known forever. His blonde hair hazel eyes. Tan skin, a football player. He was never into the popular thing but he could if he wanted to. Kinda a one night stand person.

Zack and Sami have been dating a couple months. There's always making out or something. Met them this year, their cool.

"Hey Ash thinks fast," Sami said throwing a package at me.

I cought it and gave her a smirk.

"What is it," I said with a laugh.

"An early Christmas present," she told me.

I threw it in my bag and decided to open it later. I sat down putting my back against the bench and relaxed.

"Hey Ash," Lisa said making me jump a little.

"Enjoy the picture you liked of me," she said being flirty.

She sat on my lap and put her arms around my neck. Lisa always had a thing for me but I was never interested. Danny stood behind her looking down on her phone.

"Sorry Lisa not interested," I told her.

"Not even if I invite you to my house after school," she said running her hand down my chest.

"Nope," I said lifting her off me.

***Danny Pov***

Come on Lisa let's just leave, I thought to myself. I looked over to Ash and cought him staring at me. I quickly looked away and felt my cheeks blush.

"Alright let's leave these losers," Lisa said.

Yes, finally.

"Hey sugar I'm up to your house after school," Trevor said.

"Alright, here's my number," Lisa said writing it on his hand and tiling her hand under his chin.

I could still feel Ash's eyes on me. Lisa finished flirting and we left. The bell rang and lunch was over.

I went to my locker and grabbed my bag. I closed the door to find Ash leaning against the other lockers staring at me.

"Jesus you scared me," I said.

"Sorry, but hey what are you doing after school today," he asked.

Holy crap. does he want to hang out with me?

"Nothing," I said.

"Great, see you later then," he said walking away.

I locked my locker and leaned against it. I can't believe this was happening.

"Hey looser," Elizabeth said.

Great. Nothing like the head cheerleader slut.

"What where you doing talking to Ash?" She said.

"None of your god dam business," I said.

"Excuse me?" She said putting her arm against me pushing me back.

"Not today," I said frustrated.

She pushed me harder against the locker. Panicking a little I shoved her off.

"Bad move," she said giving me a backhand.

I sat in shock for a minute. She just back handed me?

"What arnt gonna fight back?" She taunted.

"You should know you hit like bitch," I said looking up.

I tightened my fist and threw it at her. It met her cheek and she hit the floor.

Shit. What did I just do. I grabbed my things and rushed home before I got myself into more trouble.

What the hell is wrong with me! I just hit the most popular girl in school. I opened my front door and trudged to my room. I set my things down and put a pillow over my face.

Opening my eyes my phone rang. I picked it up and seen a Instagram notification. I opened it to see I had a message. It's from Ash, what time is it?

I looked at my clock that read 5:24 pm.
The message was sent a few hours ago. It read "hey I can't make it after school. Sorry".

I put my phone down and rolled on my back. Dam. He blew me off. Maybe he just had another girl to go say hi to. Whatever. I'm starving.

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