Chapter 15

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I woke up in my bed the sun out and shining. I would graduate today, become an adult. Excited I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet. I had the perfect dress.

I slid my closet open revealing a light blue dress. It was short above my knees. It was slightly puffy with black on the top. It was strapless, a new challenge for me. I threw it on with my black heels and gave a twirl in the mirror.

"You look beautiful," a voice said.

I jumped out of my skin and looked to see Ash standing in my door way.

"Jesse you nearly gave me a heart attack. How long have you been standing their," I asked?

"Long enough," he said giving me a wink.

"Perve," I said slapping his chest.

We laughed and grabbed me by the waist pulling me close. Our lips where centimeters away and I couldn't stand it. I pressed my lips to his and he did the same. I hated when he teased me that way but it was cute.


The dark blue gown was pulled over my dress and I stood in line waiting for my row to walk down the field. Parents yelled at their kids throwing confetti and cheering.

My palms where sweating and my row was next to walk down. Ok Danny pull your self together, I practiced for this. I'm going to walk down, and file down the row of chairs and sit.

My row started to move and we walked down the field. I looked at the bleachers and seen my mom and sister cheering at me. I smiled and gave a small wave and before I knew it I was sitting in my chair.

Time had passed and people had blown up beach balls they hid under there gowns and now where throwing them around. One came my way and I hit it back up laughing. Once the staff had managed to gather all the balls and take them away they started calling names.

Name after name I finally heard a familiar one. Ash stood up and shook the mans hand and took a small plac from the other. I cheered at him and he looked my way giving me a smile.

A few names later my name was called. I stood up super nervous and walked at onto the stage.

"Congratulations," the man said in a deep voice.

"Thank you," I replied.

I shook his hand and took my plac and went back to me seat.

After everybody had gone we all went to find our parents. I felt a hand reach for mine and I turned to see Ash.

"Congrats," he said.

"You to," I said giving his hand a squeeze.

We found my mom talking to Ash's dad. This can't be good, or is it? They never seemed to ever socialize.

When we got closer I could hear laughter and it was like huge weight lifted off my shoulders. We took pictures and stood around for a while.
After being their all day I was ready to go home and never come back.

"Hey my collage application came back today, I thought maybe if yours did to we could open them together," Ash said as we walked up my drive way.

"Ya I'll go see if my mom brought the mail today," I smiled.

I grabbed my application off the table and we went upstairs. We sat on the bed and looked at each other. I don't even know what he applied for.

"Hey, before we open them I just want you to know something. If we end up going to different collages I want you to know that I love you so much and that I'm never letting you go," he said holding my hand.

"I love you to," I said trying not to cry.

We opened our letters together and I unfolded the paper. We both gasped at the same time and I put my hand over my mouth. The college I believed would never accept me says that they would love to have me. Tears of joy filled my eyes and looked up at Ash. I wonder what he applied for.

He we switched papers and I read over what was on it.

"Oh my god," I said.
"Where going to be going to same college!" I yelled.

I gave him a huge hug. I was so exited we wouldn't go to different schools. We would finally be together with no parental distractions.

"Remember when we had just got together and our parents said we couldn't be together," I said out of nowhere.

"Yes, why," Ash said.

"You left me and I was lost with out you. I remember for a while we where a secret from our parents cause it was forbidden by them. But if we can get past forbidden love we can get passed anything. I'm never letting you go because I love you, and our forbidden love," I said tears Rolling down my cheeks.

He reached over and whipped my tears away.

"I love you so much," he said.

-the end.

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