Chapter 11

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***Danny Pov***

It was the next day and I was getting to go home. My mom had left last night so Ash was taking me home. They wheeled me out of the hospital and into his car. I wasn't aloud to go to school until a week or two.

I slept the hole ride home and it really sucked as Ash helped me into my bed. It was also weird when he had to dress me into something more comfy. Not that I minded.

"Hey you should go home and rest," I said grabbing his hand.

"I'm fine, really. It's time to take your medicine," he said changing the subject.

I swallowed the couple of pills and was knocked out a few minutes later. I woke the next morning, Monday. I checked my phone to see a text from Ash saying to remember to take my pills and that he would see me after school.

I was amazed at how sweet he was. I was still confused if his dad knew about us. My mom seemed to really like him though. Having nothing else to do I watched some tv to help pass the time.

***Ash Pov***

I hated Monday's. I grabbed my things and headed to school. Right as I stepped in class, late, everybody was looking at me. What's going on?

I took my seat next to Isaac. He was a fake bad boy, all talk no bite. Hit on every girl but his girlfriend. I didn't like him much.

"Hey I heard your girlfriend was hit by a car," he whispered over to me.

"How do you know," I asked him.

"Dude everybody knows," he said.
"So is she blind or something or does she like getting hit by cars," he said.

"Stop," I barked at him.

"Why I just want to know if she's blind or likes cars," he said snippy.

Anger over whelmed me and in seconds I was on top of him pounding in his face. Mr. Davidson pulled me off and yelled at me to go to the principles office. Great.

I walked in his office and took a seat. It was full of football stuff, his favorite team the stealers. Crap what can I pull together on them. Quickly pulling out my phone I googled there last game. They won 20-6 the final touchdown being huge.

Principle Wilkins walked in and I shoved my phone away. He sat at his desk and looked at me.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself," he said.

"Umm, I'm sorry," I said confused.

"Well tell that to the young boy you just broke his nose," he said angry.

"Mr. Wilkins I couldn't help see that you like stealers. Did you watch their game last night?" I asked changing the topic.

"Your a stealers fan," he said shocked.

"Ya I watched their game it was really good 20-6. I was so exited," I said.

After our short conversation he let me off easy.

"Well, I hope you where thought a lesson but you will not go unpunished. Detention for two days before school starts," he said.

He patted my shoulder and I walked out his office. That was close, to close. Not wanting to go to class I ditched and went to Starbucks to get Danny something.

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