Chapter 5

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***Danny Pov***

I woke up with a slight head ace. I laid in my side Ash's arms around my waist. It took me a minute to realize I wasn't wearing a bra. Oh my god what did I do.

I didn't feel guilty or bad, I was happy. This was the guy I had a crush on. I rolled over to face Ash who was asleep. He was cute when he slept. Feeling a bit uncomfortable I found my clothes and put them back on.

"Morning gorgeous," Ash said waking up.

"Morning," I smiled.

I crawled back into bed and curled up into his chest.

"Hey love birds," a voice said making me jump.

"Oh my god brad you weren't suppose to be here till tomorrow," Ash said pulling the covers up a bit.

"Thought I would come early," he said.

"Uggghhh get out," Ash said throwing a pillow at him.

And he did, he closed the door and I heard him go down stairs.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"That would be my older brother who is a pain in the ass and likes girls," he said.
"I would keep your distance."

"And whys that," I asked trying to be flirty.

"Cause he likes pretty girls like you," he said tickling my sides.

"Ash noo," I said laughing trying to grab his hands.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me into his body. He kissed my lips and they where soft and even better to kiss when sober.

"Need a ride home," he asked?

"I think I might stay a while," I said.

Brad came back in with out even a knock. Really, where's the privacy in this house.

"By the way where having a party tonight bring your girl with you," he said closing the door again.

He looked at me with a questioned face waiting for me to answer.

"I would but I do t have anything to ware," I wined.

"Then I think we need to go shopping. come get up," he said.

***Ash Pov***

Her face lit up like the sun and she jumped up.

"Well if where going shopping you need to get up!" She yelled at me laughing.

We got up and I opened the door to my jeep and let her in. I walked around to the other side hopped in and set off for the mall.

"Alright where do you want go, it's my treat," I said.

Hand in hand she dragged me into a store and started looking at dresses. She fled off to the change room and told me to keep looking.

Pulling one out it was pink and blue, very loose and went to her knees, nope.
Pulled out another, it was red with black stitches, opened up in the back probably stopped right under her ass. this was the one, it was perfect.

I walked to the changing room and threw it over.

"Here try this one on and come out," I said.

She took the dress and I sat on the couch waiting. When she came out she did a slight pose for me.

""Oh my god," I said.

"What is something wrong," she asked looking at her self.

"No, you look beautiful," I said.

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